
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13

6:26 a.m.- My softball game yesterday was cancelled.  The reason was that the opponent to Annawan couldn't field a team.  My confusion was that I was just told yesterday.  Yesterday afternoon was when Earlville figured out a team couldn't be fielded?  Oh well...softball season will get here eventually.  Actually, I was scheduled to work Thursday, but now according to the weather forecast, storms may be moving in so maybe the softball season will get extended even a little further than that.  

I'm starting to get upset with Loud Thunder.  I've asked them to give me an answer as to why the park gates are closed to the campgrounds, but I'm not getting an answer.  I may have to climb the ladder of informational personnel to get to an answer.  I understand that the park doesn't want to turn on water access due to potential freezing temperatures harming pipes/plumbing fixtures, but is that a reason to restrict car travel access?  Are seasonal employees only hired for certain months of the year, so it's a budget thing?  Is there some state law that forest preserves must have restricted use during certain parts of the year?  I'd just like to know the reason.

Today is a dreaded school-inservice day.  All class periods are 20 minutes each.  Normally, this would be a Free Read Wednesday day, but today it's going to be a discussion about financing various post-secondary paths.  Tomorrow, then, we will jump back into presenters.  After school, I think the Harrison grandchildren will be arriving.  They were here yesterday afternoon, too, but only the girls.  We decided to jump into the truck while Kenzie was working downstairs to go see GiGi at Shivers and have some supper and ice cream.  The philly cheese steak I had was really good, and so was the strawberry banana shake.  And of course I finished up the girls mac-n-cheese, corn-dog bites, french fries, and tater tots.  No, it wasn't exactly a very nutritional meal, but when I came home, I did have a salad to get in some greens.  

Get through today...get to tomorrow.  Life is sort of in a "lull period" right now, but that's okay.  I embrace lull periods because I know soon that life will get busier when softball starts rolling, the camping season opens up, the pool has to get opened up, and the grass starts growing.  The busy times are just around the corner.

Things for School 

  • enter scores for MTI Presentation
  • enter scores for BHC
  • enter scores for General Grind
  • schedule agendas for Week of March 18

Things to do

  • send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
  • Carmen and Easter - Thinking now Good Friday
  • reserve campsite at Loud Thunder
  • write a letter to Chase and mail - 3/12/24
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 
  • March 25 - Colonoscopy appointment at Digestive Disease Specialists - 309-601-2800 Stacey 309-601-2901
  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • get camper wheels inspected at Mutual Wheel
    • get truck inspected at Slayden's
    • purchase national park pass
    • purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)

Mon., 11 - OPEN
Tues., 12 - SB at Annawan with Danner - I have plate
Wed., 13 - OPEN
Thurs., 14 - at Rock Island with Quiroz - dress for both
Fri., 15 - SB at Kewanee - I have bases
Sat. 16 - OPEN
Mon., 18 - SB at Annawan with Danner
Tues., 19 - SB at Orion with Danner
Wed., 20 - SB at Sherrard with Duquette
Thurs., 21 - SB at Galesburg with  Thompson
Fri., 22 - OPEN
Sat., 23 - SB at Knoxville with Dennis Price
Wed., 27 - OPEN
Thurs., 28 - SB at MerCo with Trowers
Fri., 29 - GOOD FRIDAY - with Carmen
Sat., 30 - BLOCKED
SUNDAY, 31 - Easter Sunday

Mon., 1 - at MerCo with Danner
Tues., 2 - OPEN
Wed., 3 - at MeCo with Danner
Fri., 5 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 6 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 8 - OPEN
Tues., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Wed., 10 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 11 - at United Township with Quiroz
Fri., 12 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 13 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 15 - at MonRose with Danner
Tues., 16 - at Galesburg with Rakestraw
Wed., 17 - at Orion with Campbell
Thurs., 18 - at Orion with Quiroz
Fri., 19 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 20 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 22 - at Orion with Humphrey
Tues., 23 - at Geneseo with Johnson
Wed., 24 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 25 - at AlWood with Danner
Fri., 26 - at MonRose with Danner
Sat., 27 - BLOCKED 
Mon., 29 - at Sherrard with Danner
Tues., 30 - at MonRose with Danner

Wed., 1 - OPEN
Thurs., 2 - at Orion with Kale
Fri., 3 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 4 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 6 - OPEN
Tues., 7 - at AlWood with Danner
Wed., 8 - OPEN
Thurs., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Fri., 10 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 11 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 13 - Softball Regionals
Tues., 14 - at Geneseo with Danner

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