7;39 a.m. - Yesterday I thought I was supposed to umpire. I was not. It's today that I'm supposed to umpire. Better today than yesterday, as yesterday's temps were not good. It was another raw, windy, cold day. And while I thought this was a bad thing, it turns out that the cold temps weren't all that bad, as the ground stayed a little hard and frozen while Mr. Strachan helped me get the camper out of storage and to the side of our house. Getting out of storage wasn't all that difficult; it was just a process. We had to get his camper out first, and then we got the eagle out. He also helped me air up the tire pressure in all of the tires, which was very nice of him. We did end up discovering that at least one mouse called the camper home for at least a little while over the winter. I meant to set a trap in the camper last night, but I didn't get that done. I'll try to do that this evening. Anyway, back to the ground...because the ground was frozen, I didn't mess it up so badly as I would have with warm temperatures. The rain from the previous day had really softened the ground up. So maybe all the cold and wind was good for at least one thing.
Amber and I worked on getting the camper cleaned and opened up and all of the stuff in the storage tubs back into the camper. That's a bit of a job in itself. We had help, though. The Harrison grandchildren enjoyed being in the camper, as they were with us all day and spent the night as well. As I'm typing away, they are now stirring and getting some breakfast. Something else camping related that I got done yesterday was to finalize what I hope is the last of reservations for our summer trip. I was able to bump back our previous final two days at Flying Goose in Fairmont, Minnesota, in order to make room for two more days in Walker, Minnesota, at a place called the Trails RV Resort. That little revisions extends our total adventure to make it July 5 through July 21.
Yesterday afternoon also featured Karrigan and her three dogs. Needless to say, the afternoon was full of energy in the house.
The weather today is supposed to be warmer...at least reaching the upper 50's. I really need to get the mower up and running and mow the backyard. Maybe I can accomplish that pending the departure date of the Harrison kids. Tomorrow I'm headed down to Fort Madison to visit with Tyler and Carmen, so that will be fun. While I've gotten some things accomplished during this Spring Break, I really haven't had a whole lot of fun. Oh, the Illini play against Iowa State tonight, so I want to get back from umpiring in time to watch that.
Things for School
- sub plans for personal day May 8 - camper to Mutual Wheel
Things to do
- submit costs for colonoscopy for refund
- APRIL 8 - take camper to Mutual Wheel
- send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
- Carmen and Easter - Thinking now Good Friday - 10 a.m.
- write a letter to Chase and mail -
- for professional development principal academy training
- complete #3000 (June 17, 2024) register by 6/10
- complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- get truck inspected at Slayden's
- purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)
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