5:21 a.m. -- "Today, the majority goes beyond the necessities of this case to limit how Section 3 can bar an oath breaking insurrectionist from becoming President. Although we agree that Colorado cannot enforce Section 3, we protest the majority’s effort to use this case to define the limits of federal enforcement of that provision. Because we would decide only the issue before us, we concur only in the judgment." This message was from three Supreme Court Justices - all women, all appointed by Democratic Presidents, and all considered liberals. This is the division that exists on the Supreme Court. Ugh.
Yesterday was s struggle. I need to retire. I've said before that I could never go back into coaching because the game has gotten so far beyond my comprehension of what basketball is. The same can be true of teaching. Education, too, has gotten so far beyond my comprehension anymore. Education isn't fostering or guiding or encouraging - it's battling. At least for me, it's battling, which leads me to understand that it's time for me to go and time for someone else who has a better understanding of today's education than I do. Now just have to figure out an exit strategy, because I can't afford to just be retired.
Last night I tried to call Cole; that conversation didn't go well.
I watched some IHSA basketball - Supersectional level. The team that beat Rockridge ended up losing. It's tough to build a lead and maintain or extend. The team that is behind has more reason to have a stronger sense of urgency. I've often declared that I don't like the shot clock in basketball, but I wonder if the shot clock would in some ways make that situation different for the team that is winning. The shot clock would always provide an additional reason to continue to execute and attack the basket, regardless if a team was leading or trailing.
Things for School
- lesson plan for 3-6-24
- score Formal Essay #3
- checked for questions and essays turned in at 4:13 p.m. on Sunday
Things to do
- Carmen and Easter - Thinking now Good Friday
- reserve campsite at Loud Thunder
- complete Iowa softball rules meeting and exam - opens Wednesday, March 6
- write a letter to Chase and mail - 3-5
- for professional development principal academy training
- complete #3000 (June 17, 2024) register by 6/10
- complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6
- March 25 - Colonoscopy appointment at Digestive Disease Specialists - 309-601-2800 Stacey 309-601-2901
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- get camper wheels inspected at Mutual Wheel
- get truck inspected at Slayden's
- purchase national park pass
- purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)
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