
Monday, March 25, 2024

Monday, March 25

6:53 a.m. - Yesterday at 1 p.m. I started my colonoscopy prep...ugh.  Many trips to the bathroom later, the pipes are cleaned out and ready for inspection.  We'll be leaving in a bit to head to get it done.  I'm dehydrated and tired, but I'll survive.

In the morning, we went to church service.  During service I think I had a revelation that I just am unable to wrap my brain around religion.  Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be though.  

In the afternoon and evening, I watched basketball.  There were some good games, and there were some lopsided games.  I guess if a person has to do a colonoscopy prep day, it's nice that there is a lot of basketball on television.  

I'm not sure what I'm doing today.  I'll probably rest a bit, and I'm definitely going to enjoy eating something.

Things for School 

  • sub arrangement for personal day May 8 - camper to Mutual Wheel

Things to do

  • get camper out - Wednesday, 8 a.m.
  • find out information about changing dates for Goose Lake (sent email 3/25)
  • transfer plants to new pots
  • APRIL 8 - take camper to Mutual Wheel
  • send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
  • Carmen and Easter - Thinking now Good Friday
  • write a letter to Chase and mail - 3/23
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 

  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • get camper wheels inspected at Mutual Wheel
    • get truck inspected at Slayden's
    • purchase national park pass
    • purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)

Mon., 25 - 8 a.m. COLONOSCOPY
Wed., 27 - OPEN
Thurs., 28 - SB at MerCo with Trowers
Fri., 29 - GOOD FRIDAY - with Carmen
Sat., 30 - BLOCKED
SUNDAY, 31 - Easter Sunday

Mon., 1 - at MerCo with Danner
Tues., 2 - OPEN
Wed., 3 - at MeCo with Danner
Fri., 5 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
Sat., 6 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
Mon., 8 - OPEN
Tues., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Wed., 10 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 11 - at United Township with Quiroz
Fri., 12 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 13 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 15 - at MonRose with Danner
Tues., 16 - at Galesburg with Rakestraw
Wed., 17 - at Orion with Campbell
Thurs., 18 - at Orion with Quiroz
Fri., 19 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
Sat., 20 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
    - MAYBE 1/2 Marathon Trail Run
Mon., 22 - at Orion with Humphrey
Tues., 23 - at Geneseo with Johnson
Wed., 24 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 25 - at AlWood with Danner
Fri., 26 - at MonRose with Danner
Sat., 27 - BLOCKED 
Mon., 29 - at Sherrard with Danner
Tues., 30 - at MonRose with Danner

Wed., 1 - OPEN
Thurs., 2 - at Orion with Kale
Fri., 3 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 4 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 6 - OPEN
Tues., 7 - at AlWood with Danner
Wed., 8 - at Annawan with Danner
Thurs., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Fri., 10 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 11 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 13 - Softball Regionals
Tues., 14 - at Geneseo with Danner

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