
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tuesday, March 12

5:46 a.m. - Monday's are hard...Monday's after springing forward are extra hard.  We got through it.  Our presentation yesterday for the English III students is full of great information; the presenter, though, isn't very dynamic.  Today's presentation should be better.  After school yesterday, I went to my parents' house and helped get some hay down.  I didn't visit with them, though, because I don't want to get them sick.  Yesterday, my stomach was tight, but I never felt like I was going to have to run to the bathroom, so that was good.  Last night I slept okay, and that's good too.  This morning I don't have that same tightness in my belly, so maybe my flu experience was just a very, very mild experience....let's hope so.  I think Amber is going to try to head to school today.

Today, I also have my first softball game.  Sophie and I took another walk at Loud Thunder yesterday afternoon.  It wasn't a long walk.  On the very east side of the park there is a trail that goes down to Lake George and the boy scout camp.  A crew did some work on the trail, and it's a bit of a mess, but Sophie and I walked it anyway.  No walk this afternoon, as I hope to get acclimated back into softball mode.  The first game is always a bit of a "wake-up call."  I always hope I packed all my gear that I need, and with today's game, I need to hustle out of the school quickly, so I'll get partially dressed for the game at school, so I can be faster onto the field since the game is at Annawan.  One thing that will be nice will be getting a paycheck.  I need those extra paychecks throughout the year, and it's been since February 14 that I've had a paycheck.  The right foot/ankle still isn't 100% since hurting it on the 13th at Kewanee, but it's pretty close.  And maybe, like the knee on the same leg, the right foot/ankle is as good as it's going to get.

So the time has come to get back to the 12+hour work day.  At least the weather is supposed to be warm today - windy but warm.  It will be nice to have the first game back, at least, without extra layers to try to stay warm.   

Things for School 

  • enter scores for Oval Portrait (after Monday) - 1, 2 done
  • enter scores for ISAC Presentation
  • enter scores for MTI Presentation

Things to do

  • send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
  • Carmen and Easter - Thinking now Good Friday
  • reserve campsite at Loud Thunder
  • write a letter to Chase and mail - 3/12/24
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 
  • March 25 - Colonoscopy appointment at Digestive Disease Specialists - 309-601-2800 Stacey 309-601-2901
  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • get camper wheels inspected at Mutual Wheel
    • get truck inspected at Slayden's
    • purchase national park pass
    • purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)

Mon., 11 - OPEN
Tues., 12 - SB at Annawan with Danner - I have plate
Wed., 13 - OPEN
Thurs., 14 - at Rock Island with Quiroz - dress for both
Fri., 15 - SB at Kewanee - I have bases
Sat. 16 - OPEN
Mon., 18 - SB at Annawan with Danner
Tues., 19 - SB at Orion with Danner
Wed., 20 - SB at Sherrard with Duquette
Thurs., 21 - SB at Galesburg with  Thompson
Fri., 22 - OPEN
Sat., 23 - SB at Knoxville with Dennis Price
Wed., 27 - OPEN
Thurs., 28 - SB at MerCo with Trowers
Fri., 29 - GOOD FRIDAY - with Carmen
Sat., 30 - BLOCKED
SUNDAY, 31 - Easter Sunday

Mon., 1 - at MerCo with Danner
Tues., 2 - OPEN
Wed., 3 - at MeCo with Danner
Fri., 5 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 6 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 8 - OPEN
Tues., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Wed., 10 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 11 - at United Township with Quiroz
Fri., 12 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 13 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 15 - at MonRose with Danner
Tues., 16 - at Galesburg with Rakestraw
Wed., 17 - at Orion with Campbell
Thurs., 18 - at Orion with Quiroz
Fri., 19 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 20 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 22 - at Orion with Humphrey
Tues., 23 - at Geneseo with Johnson
Wed., 24 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 25 - at AlWood with Danner
Fri., 26 - at MonRose with Danner
Sat., 27 - BLOCKED 
Mon., 29 - at Sherrard with Danner
Tues., 30 - at MonRose with Danner

Wed., 1 - OPEN
Thurs., 2 - at Orion with Kale
Fri., 3 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 4 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 6 - OPEN
Tues., 7 - at AlWood with Danner
Wed., 8 - OPEN
Thurs., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Fri., 10 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 11 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 13 - Softball Regionals
Tues., 14 - at Geneseo with Danner

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