7:23 a.m. - On the news this morning, Kevin Phelps said we received over 25 inches of snow last week, the most snow all-time in a week. Holy crap Batman. Fortunately there is no snow forecasted for today, but baby is it cold outside. The high today is supposed to be minus four degrees, which is better than yesterday's high of minus seven degrees.
Yesterday, I finally was able to get the truck to my parents house around 3 p.m. With the help of county snow plows and mom and dad's neighbor there was enough snow cleared that I could get to them, and help them dig out around their garage and their barn. On their gravel road to their house at spots the plowed snowed on each side of the truck was above the truck. I was definitely glad that I did not try to get to them sooner. I just wouldn't have made it. Once I made it to the farm, it was shovel time. I spent a good hour shoveling what was about a 4-6 foot drift from their garage. Then I crawled under the corral fence and then a times had to try to crawl on top of crusted snow in order to get to the back side of the barn. Once I got there, there was a 6-8 foot drift blocking the sliding doors. Getting that door free was important to be able to get the horses out for a little fresh error and exercise but to also be able to clean the stalls and get the manure outside. I also had to shovel around the watering tank to try to get that free. Mom keeps a heated element in the tank, but it was having trouble keeping up with the cold temperatures. I think with mom inside filling up wheel barrels of horse crap and me outside trying to shovel snow, we took about perhaps four or five loads of crap and got all the snow moved we needed to do. After that, I got some hay down, and then we loaded up saw dust to get the stalls ready for the horses to return. Those silly horses were excited to get out even though in most spots, the snow was up to their bellies. They were kicking and snorting and they all also took turns rolling in the snow. While they did appreciate being outside, they also were ready to go back in. After having some hot tea to warm up my innards, I headed back home around 5:30 with the sun setting in the west. After getting home, Amber wanted to go to Muscatine to get some groceries. I wasn't real excited about that, but I figured we might as well go then with the truck all warmed up and running versus trying to get out today. The roads were snow/ice packed, but we took it slow at about 45 mph and made it there and back just fine. We even dropped off a couple of things to Kourtney's house, and I wasn't crazy at all about going down their road, but it wasn't yet too icy to make it. I just took it slow going down and then gave it hell to get up the other side.
Today, we were scheduled to drive to Carthage to officiate games. We got the word this morning that the games were postponed. I'm very pleased to hear that we don't have to make the 90-minute drive to Illini West High School to officiate. I'm pretty certain the truck is not going to want to start, and I'm not all that certain the van nor the HHR are going to start, even though they are in the garage. So after I get around this morning, I'm going to bundle up and see what is going to start and what is going to need the battery charger.
After that, I hope that I don't have to do much. I'll check with mom and make sure she's okay. And then I hope the most I have to do (after getting the vehicles started) is read my book and watch football and basketball games on television. I'm not sure if we will have school tomorrow or not...it's supposed to be brutally cold like this for another day before the real cold temps head east.
Things for School
- enter scores for Equiano vocab assignment
- enter assignment for Equiano analysis into Google Classroom
- start contacting training path reps after returning from break
- send out second call information
- check Arbiter pay for Moline payment (checked 1/5)
- jan. 24 internet safety (11:30 dismissal)
Things to do
- coat from cleaners
- write a letter to Chase and mail - 1/13
- review pricing information from Porter Hays
- for professional development principal academy training
- complete #3000 (June 17, 2024) register by 6/10
- complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6
- March 25 - Colonoscopy appointment at Digestive Disease Specialists - 309-601-2800 Stacey 309-601-2901
- get camper wheels inspected at Mutual Wheel
- get truck inspected at Slayden's
- start working on summer camping trip - July 5-19
- 10-14 - St. Mary/East Glacier KOA Near Glacier National Park in Montana
- purchase maps of Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana
- learn about U.S. Route 2 in Montana
- purchase sites for trip there and back - trip plan doc
- ...now need to reserve sites for return trip (wait for Good Sam membership number)
15 - GBK at Illini West - noon and 1:30 with Marcus and Shawn
(90 minutes to Carthage)
Shawn drives - leave Shawn’s 9:15 a.m.; pick up Marcus around 9:30 ish.
16 - BBK at MerCo - 6:00 p.m. with Holtschlag and Gilmore
Everyone drives separately
17 - GBK at West Central (LTC Tourney) 6 p.m. with Marcus and Tony
Jay drives - pick up Tony at 4:30; pick up Marcus 4:35
18 - GBK at MonRose - 5:30 p.m. with Holtschlag and Giger
Tony drives - Jay meets at Tony’s house at 4:15 p.m.
19 - BBK at United - 6:00 p.m. with Marcus and Tony
Marcus drives; meet at Marcus’s house at 4:45 p.m.
20 - GBK at West Central - 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. with and Marcus someone
Jay drives - pick Marcus up at 11:30.
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