
Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday, August 9

8:25 - Yesterday ended up being a pool day.  I also read some of my book...learning about how the indigenous people of the United States were involved in the Civil War.  This morning I finished the movie Gettysburg, which I had watched prior to our trip and all the podcasts I had listened to and books I had read.  Watching the movie the first time is what motivated me to read about Robert E. Lee and then learning more about the battle before taking our trip.  After watching the movie the second time, I still don't like how Lee was portrayed, and I now better understand how Gettysburg "experts" perhaps aren't all that crazy about the movie.  The movie is a story that uses the Gettysburg event to tell a story...perhaps picking the more potentially glamorous moments (while skipping others) and simply making up more glamorous moments for theatrical effect.  Plus it seems like conversations between characters through the film are like imbedded history lessons but are conversations that likely didn't happen or didn't happen in that fashion.  Today, I'm headed to West Central High School to take Carmen a chair and her books for her classroom library.  I've gotten a few things done here, and will be leaving shortly.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • purchase brake replacements/inspect with Shawn
  • take Carmen's books and chair to her
  • purchase a new chair
  • balance RTA checking account and turn over to A. Benac
  • August 10 & 12 - 9:30 a.m. Weihler Chiro
  • August 10 - eye surgeons appointment - 7:30 a.m.
  • August 18 - truck to Slayden's - brakes
  • Finalize third partner for Nov. 17 at Geneseo girls - I think it will be Rocky
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • respond to Lea Kendall's Air Force Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp - not going to get done before trip
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
  • complete Iowa volleyball video
  • complete Illinois volleyball video - 8/10 available
  • complete Illinois volleyball test - 8/10 available
  • complete Illinois volleyball clinic
Upcoming officiating/umpiring
  • 8/16 - JH SB - Cambridge 4:30
  • 8/17 - JH SB - Merco 4:30
  • 8/18 - VB Clinic at Sterling
  • 8/23 - FR VB - Davenport North - 6
  • 8/30 - JH SB - Cambridge 4:30
  • 8/31 - JH VB - John Deere 4
  • 9/2 - JH SB - Merco 4:30 
  • 9/7 - JH VB - Glenview 4
  • 9/9 - HS VB - Sherrard

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

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