
Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27th

6:13 a.m. - So teachers and all staff in K-12 education and higher education are required to get vaccinated.  And teachers and staff and students have already been under a mask mandate in the building since the beginning of the school year.  Now the mask mandate in Illinois is everywhere.  Wait, so having masks on only in the school buildings was a bit weird when no one else was required to wear them anywhere else in Illinois?  Basically, the requirement to wear masks and get the vaccine is a bit ironic and "non-news"...ya, been there, done that.  Yesterday was a productive my torque wrench and visited mom and dad at the farm to have dad teach me how to set the settings and just have a nice visit.  I also learned that maybe I have a place to store the Eagle in the off-season.  I also went to the eye doctor to figure out what the heck is going on in order to get a vision check-up, and I think I got that straightened out.  The weather?...yup, hot again today...probably another 1:30 dismissal.  Yesterday, I got textbooks handed out, and chromebooks were distributed (at least to those who were eligible).  I also got students emalis/contacts grouped, and a couple other little "paperwork" things completed.  Today, should be a nice day because we are going to the library to get stories, and the library is air-conditioned.  The Public Speaking course also has a nice little activity in the lesson.  Finally, I also called Mr. Schaffer to let him know that I will be down not this weekend but next weekend to pick up the new camper, and someone is coming to our house on Sunday to look at the JayFlight.  So a lot is happening!  It's been a busy week; I'm looking forward to the weekend.  I forgot to mention, I also rode my bike with the weight vest on, and I did a few laps in the pool too.  This morning, I was encouraged to see the scale lower than it's been in awhile.  I could be just dehydrated, but I know I have done better this week with exercise and meals.

Beginning of Year School Things

  • Post Public Speaking Chapter 1 Questions as assignemnt
  • make sub folder
  • make a folder for IEP and 504 students
  • put beginning of year paperwork into Google Classrooms
  • find out and collect notebooks from students for journal writing
  • enter grades for Ask Mr. Bizarri a question
  • sent first email message to parents and updated parent email contact info in Classroom

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • English III
    • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session n/a
    • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
    • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
    • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • Public Speaking
    • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session
    • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
    • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
    • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • BOTH
    • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a
Other Things To Do
  • mow the yard
  • vacuum the pool
  • pick up a 15/16 socket at the hardware store
  • create a bill of sale for my JayFlight and Eagle
  • figure out the 12-15-21 date mess
  • pick up the trailer in Minier on Sept. 5?
  • write checks for beginning of month bills (mortgage and RUMC)
  • figure out next chiro appointment
  • get appointment for new eye doctor
  • SEPT 11 8am-3pm RI County Fairgrounds - hazardous material drop off -- PAINT
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • respond to Lea Kendall's Air Force Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring
  • 8/30 - JH SB - Cambridge 4:30
  • 8/31 - JH VB - John Deere 4
  • 9/2 - JH SB - Merco 4:30 
  • 9/7 - JH VB - Glenview 4
  • 9/9 - HS VB - Sherrard
Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.
7) maintain chart

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