
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturday, February 24

5:48 a.m. - Rockridge boys basketball almost got beat last night.  Mercer County pushed them to overtime, but then Rockridge edged them out.  It's a tough morning for the Golden Eagles; I remember what those mornings were like.  And now Rockridge gets Peoria Notre Dame in the Canton Sectional.  The winner of that gets Macomb vs. Peoria Manual winner.  Most of my officiating friends are now done with basketball; I think Tad still has a boys sectional game next week.  So for the most part my "feeling left out" of the 23-24 postseason basketball assignments is over.  In fact, today I'm heading to Macomb for a softball rules meeting.  

I did order some new shoes yesterday in wide sizes, and they weren't cheap.  I hope the wider shoes assist in my recovery.  I purchased a pair to try for softball umpiring, and I purchased a pair to try for court shoes on a basketball court.

Yesterday went okay; there were many students absent.  And the students that weren't absent didn't seem very engaged in the day.  I fear the presentations that begin Monday will not be strong, but at least I tried.  I did get lesson plans completed yesterday for all of next week, so that's good.  

We had granddog Sophie at our house last night for a sleepover.  Later today, apparently the Harrison grandchildren will be spending the night.  Sometimes the weekends are busier than the work weeks.  

I haven't heard from Cole in awhile.  I guess he's still mad at me.  Maybe I'll try to give him a call tomorrow sometime.  

Things for School 

  • lesson plans for week of Feb. 26 have been created and posted to Stream
  • formal essay #3 has been scheduled in Google Classroom
  • enter scores for spiritual presentations
  • complete sub plans for Feb. 29 and March 1

Things to do

  • write and mail payments for beginning of the month bills
  • Carmen and Easter - Thinking now Good Friday
  • Feb. 29 & March 1 - Follow-up with ORA - 8 a.m. Dr. Collazo; dentist appointment -- need sub plans for these days. (Al Hyett is the sub.)
  • complete Iowa softball rules meeting and exam - opens Wednesday, March 6
  • write a letter to Chase and mail - 2/24
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 
  • March 25 - Colonoscopy appointment at Digestive Disease Specialists - 309-601-2800 Stacey 309-601-2901
  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • get camper wheels inspected at Mutual Wheel
    • get truck inspected at Slayden's
    • purchase national park pass
    • purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)

24 - IHSA Softball Clinic - Macomb - 8:30 a.m.
25 - Sunday

4 - A. H. spec ed meeting 3:15
Mon., 11 - OPEN
Tues., 12 - SB at Annawan with Danner
Wed., 13 - OPEN
Thurs., 14 - OPEN
Fri., 15 - SB at Kewanee
Sat. 16 - OPEN
Mon., 18 - SB at Annawan with Danner
Tues., 19 - SB at Orion with Danner
Wed., 20 - SB at Sherrard with Duquette
Thurs., 21 - SB at Galesburg with  Thompson
Fri., 22 - OPEN
Sat., 23 - SB at Knoxville with Starr
Wed., 27 - OPEN
Thurs., 28 - SB at MerCo with Trowers
Fri., 29 - GOOD FRIDAY - with Carmen
Sat., 30 - BLOCKED
SUNDAY, 31 - Easter Sunday

Mon., 1 - at MerCo with Danner
Tues., 2 - OPEN
Wed., 3 - at MeCo with Danner
Fri., 5 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 6 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 8 - OPEN
Tues., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Wed., 10 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 11 - at United Township with Quiroz
Fri., 12 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 13 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 15 - at MonRose with Danner
Tues., 16 - at Galesburg with Rakestraw
Wed., 17 - at Orion with Campbell
Thurs., 18 - at Orion with Quiroz
Fri., 19 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 20 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 22 - at Orion with Humphrey
Tues., 23 - at Geneseo with Johnson
Wed., 24 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 25 - at AlWood with Danner
Fri., 26 - at MonRose with Danner
Sat., 27 - BLOCKED 
Mon., 29 - at Sherrard with Danner
Tues., 30 - at MonRose with Danner

Wed., 1 - OPEN
Thurs., 2 - at Orion with Kale
Fri., 3 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 4 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 6 - OPEN
Tues., 7 - at AlWood with Danner
Wed., 8 - OPEN
Thurs., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Fri., 10 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 11 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 13 - Softball Regionals
Tues., 14 - at Geneseo with Danner

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