
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thursday, February 1, 2024

5:43 a.m. - I needed yesterday.  I'm loving my book that I purchased, and it was Free Read Wednesday.  Then I had one freshmen game at AlWood that I was dreading, but it ended up being easy, so that was good.  And then Dale Lanning stopped in after the game while I was finishing up getting dressed, and we chit-chatted.  He's going to be entered into AlWood's Hall of Fame on February 9th, and we are working that game, so I'll get to be there.

This new book I'm reading is based on a couple's desires to live like Henry David Thoreau.  They moved to British Columbia, Canada to see if they could live and thrive in a remote wilderness area.  They aren't completely cut off from other people, much like Thoreau or even Dick Proenneke, but they definitely rely on each other and on their surroundings to help them survive.  They are finding all sorts of edibles around them to include in their diet, and that intrigues me.  I think I'm going to have to learn about wild edibles.  

Today's the big day the seedings for the IHSA girls basketball postseason.  This day begins the day of officials find out if they will receive a postseason assignment.  Then if an assignment is received, officials will find out where they will be going.  That won't happen until this weekend, but when teams are seeded, then brackets can get drawn up, and then officials are assigned.  I still think I'm going to end up at Galesburg, Moline, or Geneseo.  Now I think it's just a matter of finding out my partners.  

Today at school is going to be an easy day...sort of.  I have some things I need to get back to the students, but they will be visited by the guidance department once again to enter their course choices for their senior year.  That means that I'll be in the background, which is fine but it slows down what I'm trying to accomplish with my instruction.  Unfortunately, that's just something that goes with being an English teacher in a small school.  

And then later today it's Tony, me, and Kraig McPeek at Monmouth-Roseville for a girls game with Orion.  The teams and coaches hate each other, and it will probably be senior night, and it should be a blowout because Orion isn't very good this year.  On the other hand, the fresh/soph game should be competitive because neither team is very good.  And then there is my foot.  I think it's feeling a little better, but it's still not where I want it to be.  I'm still going to be wearing my old shoes.  My back does feel a little better today.  Basically, my physical status seems to be improving even if I'm not exactly feeling all that great yet.  

Amber is headed to a social studies conference in Bloomington today, so I'll be by myself tonight and tomorrow morning.  I think she might be driving back tomorrow night.  I may have to plan on supper on the way home from Monmouth.

Things for School

  • lesson plan for 2/5/24
  • Feb. 7 SPED meeting for JM
  • return practice quizzes
  • enter FRW scores for 1-31
  • enter completion of reading scores - after end of day Wednesday
  • enter Strangers vocab score after Friday's test
  • enter Khan Scores - Part 3 - after 8 a.m. Friday
  • Draft saved - Assign next Khan Academy activity - Grammar TEST
    • Students are allowed 2 attempts score is taken - TEST GRADE!
    • Completed in Class Friday, February 9 - 30 minute time limit
    • Part 1, 2, 3, Quiz and Unit test - 24 possible points

Things to do

  • send Orion and MonRose reminder after Thursday's game
  • Feb. 1 - 4 p.m. - girls IHSA seeds posted
  • coat from cleaners
  • write a letter to Chase and mail - 2/1
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 
  • March 25 - Colonoscopy appointment at Digestive Disease Specialists - 309-601-2800 Stacey 309-601-2901
  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • get camper wheels inspected at Mutual Wheel
    • get truck inspected at Slayden's
    • purchase national park pass
    • purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)


1 - GBK at MonRose - 5:30 p.m.with Tony and Kraig McPeek

  • Tony drives - leave from Tony’s office at 4:15 p.m.

2 - BBK at PTown - 5:30 p.m. with Tony and David Van Nest

  • Jay drives; leave from Jay’s house at 3:45 p.m.

3 - GBK at Orion - 11:00 a.m. with Tony and Josh Temple

  • All drive separately.

3 - BBK at MerCo - 5:00 p.m. with Tony and Todd Hannam

  • All drive separately.

1 - GBK at MonRose - 5:30 p.m vs. Orion with Tony and Kraig McPeek
2 - BBK at PTown - 5:30 p.m. vs. Sherrard with Tony and David Van Nest
3 - GBK at Orion - 11 a.m. vs. Bureau Valley with Tony and Josh Temple
3 - BBK at Mercer County - 5:00 p.m. TBA with Tony and Todd Hannam
5 - GBK at MonRose - 5:30 p.m. vs. Brimfield with Marcus and Tony
6 - BBK at A-Town - 6:00 p.m. vs. West Prairie with Marcus and Kraig McPeek
7 - GBK at Wethersfield - 5:30 p.m. vs. Galva with Marcus and TONY
8 - GBK at Rock Island - 7:00 p.m. vs. Sterling with Marcus and Shawn
9 - BBK at AlWood - 6:00 p.m. vs. Wethersfield with Marcus and TRAVON
10 - Sat. Girls regional quarterfinals
12-13    Mon.-Tues. Feb 12-13 girls regional semifinals
15-16    Thurs.-Fri. Feb. 15-16 girls regional finals
19 - Mon. boys regionals quarterfinals
20 - Tues. girls sectional semifinals
21 - Wed. boys regionals semifinals
22 - Thurs. girls sectional finals
23 - Fri. boys regionals finals
24 - IHSA Softball Clinic - Macomb - 8:30 a.m.
27-28 - Tues.-Wed. boys sectional semifinals

1 - Fri. boys sectional finals

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