6:13 a.m. - Sometimes unfortunate things occur that later turn out to be perhaps fortunate. My example is that garage door incident yesterday. Amber and I returned home from an overnight at Bally's, and as we pulled in the driveway, I hit the button for the remote opener to the garage. Unfortunately, one side started up and the other didn't. Now there was a mess. I instantly remember the last time something happened, the service tech said we would need another door. Now I'm thinking we are going to have to spend $2,500 on a garage door...ugh. Mr. Strachan had recently discussed a service tech that had done some work for him, so even though it was a holiday, I reached out to Philip's Garage Door Service. Shawn offered to help, my father-in-law offered to help, and when I inspected the situation, a cable had rusted out and twisted a track on the opposite side and I had a mess. In the end, we were extremely lucky. The weather was unusually mild, Philip (Mueller) was available as he was finishing up a job in Moline, and he told me that he thought the door problem looked repairable. He arrived around 3:30, worked his service tech magic for about 90 minutes, took my check for the parts and work, and we now have a fully functioning garage door. The cable could have failed with both the van and car in it. The weather could have been typical January weather. The service tech could have been booked up with jobs. The door could have been beyond repair. So now we should be good to go for awhile with the improvements to the door, and I didn't have to buy a new door. I feel very lucky and very blessed.
Now after the adventure of the weekend, it's back to school. And it's back to a full day of school as the dual credit speech and dual credit English 102 students are starting back into their semester.
And tonight? Who knows? I was supposed to officiate in Morrison tonight, but that was canceled. As of now, I don't have an assignment. And tomorrow night always had been an open night, so it's possible that I will have tonight and tomorrow night off. (Secretly, there is always a good chance like this that a sub need will arise somewhere.)
Things to do for school
- figure out camera situation
- send out parent update email
- show dual credit speech students Carson's example of his speech
- work on research paper prompt
- Write an argument in which you select an historical figure you have encountered so far in English III or U.S. History that would prove to be an effective leader for the United States in 2023. In your argument include research of relevant background information of your selected individual, as well as her/his effective leadership traits (and if you believe those traits would translate to today's modern challenges).
- retrieve copies of upcoming Socratic Seminar Activity
- complete lesson plan and post for Jan. 18
- complete and post lesson plans beyond Jan. 18
- enter scores for completed reading of Strangers In An Unknown World
- finalize training path presenters schedule send another or call Jan. 17
Black Hawk East Comm. College (community college) - Ms. Kylee Myers -- myersk@bhc.edu -- Haley Howerton | East Campus
howertonh@bhc.eduMorrison Tech (technical college) - Ms. Jodie Eaker - jeaker@morrisontech.edu
ISAC - financial aid and selecting a path) - Maddie Schaefer- here is her email. If you need a phone number, let me know and I can dig it up.
Madeline.Schaefer@illinois.gov- NAVY - (military) - Ms. Diamond Smedley - diamond.e.smedley@navy.mil
Things to do
- Feb. 17 - dentist appointment - get sub plans ready - Mr. Hyett
- officiating travel plans link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YvlB2Lmw0-bmzjm_N_-GqD2S3K2jNK83etzBjF5l8hk/edit
17 - at Morrison cancelled
18 - OPEN
19 - at Kewanee FS/V Girls - 5:30 p.m. - with Marcus and Tucker (versus Princeton)
(60 minutes from EDG to Kewanee)...Jay meets Marcus at 3:45 at WalMart - Marcus drives…pick Tucker up 4:00ish)
20 - at United FS/V Boys - 6:00 p.m. - with Shawn and Marcus (versus Ridgewood)
Jay drives - Jay picks up Shawn after bus route, then to Marcus at 4:30
21 - at United V Girls Tourney (2) - 11:00 a.m. - with Shawn and Marcus (TBA)
- at MonRose V Girls - with Robbie and Tad
Jay drives separately…Shawn and Marcus coordinate travel plans
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