5:32 a.m. - The weather forecast, according to the professional meteorologist on the KWQC news program this morning, for the next two days is, and I quote - "yuck". I guess if this is back-to-school day from what was labeled as "spring break", maybe it feels better going back in the building while "yuck" is outside. Yuck may include some snow flurries this afternoon, and yuck includes accumulating snow and wind tomorrow morning - that's really a big giant ball of yuck.
Yesterday was mildly productive, despite the awful weather. I did get a tiny bit of exercise in; I did run to Aledo to make some needed purchases. I did (fingers crossed) get the downstairs toilet fixed. I did get a chance to visit mom and dad and watch the Iowa women's basketball game. (They did beat LSU to advance to the Final Four.) I did get to bed at a reasonable time. While I would have enjoyed some warm sunshine and a hike at the park, I made the best of the weather that was provided us.
I was supposed to have a softball game at Mercer County; that was cancelled. I'm open today, which is fine because no one is going to be playing softball today. I'm supposed to be at Mercer County tomorrow, but snow and softball doesn't mix very well, so the chances of getting a game in tomorrow aren't looking great. Thursday is Amber and I's anniversary, so I don't have a game scheduled then, and this weekend we are looking to take the camper to Loud Thunder, so there won't be any softball then. The last time I umpired was March 21....that's been awhile.
Today, then, as mentioned previously is back-to-school. Today, then, is back to the frustration. This week we have the remaining presenters visiting the school, which should be something the students appreciate. After the break, though, they will be slugs, and everything I'm trying to do for them will be stupid and too much work. I know this sounds like a lot of bitching, but I just need to prepare myself mentally. I just need to keep my nose down, do my best, set my sights on what will hopefully be some dry weekend weather for opening camping weekend, and do my best.
Things for School
- post lesson plans for 4/3, 4/4, and 4/5
- enter scores for MCC presentation
- post video file of MCC presentation
- make copies of training path grid
- sub plans for personal day May 8 - camper to Mutual Wheel
Things to do
- spray weeds
- spread weed and feed
- submit costs for colonoscopy for refund
- APRIL 8 - take camper to Mutual Wheel
- send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
- write a letter to Chase and mail - 4/2
- for professional development principal academy training
- complete #3000 (June 17, 2024) register by 6/10
- complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- get truck inspected at Slayden's
- purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance
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