6:12 a.m. - The day is finally here. It's cold, but it's dry, and the weather forecasts are calling for sunshine today and tomorrow. Pulling out the rig today may encounter soft ground here at home, but at least we are pulling into a site that is concrete. Yesterday, I loaded up some additional "stuff", and I picked up a little firewood, so I think I'm ready to hook up and pull out after school today. Maybe the sunshine and dry weather will dry out the yard and help pull out not be so soggy by 3:30 today. Yesterday went fine with Morrison Tech visiting students, and we had Brinley's birthday party here at the house. One of Brinley's big presents was a new puppy, so we had a little black bundle of fuzz waddling around the house for a couple of hours. Of course I played with the puppy - named Bristol. She had puppy breath and sharp puppy teeth and everything else that goes along with puppies. And the best part was that she went home with the Harrison's at the end of the evening. I love animals, but I just don't want any additional animals in our home.
Today is the last day at school for the training path presenter series. Local 25 Plumbers and Pipefitters will be visiting to discuss apprenticeships - the final day of more than 10 visitors that spoke with students about options to consider after high school. I learned yesterday that two of this years seniors are attending Morrison Tech, which is great. When I have doubts about the value of my efforts, it's nice to hear that at least some students perhaps may have found something of interest in the presentations that they viewed.
Let's just get through today smoothly, get assignments scored and entered, and then let's get to the campground...cold or no cold...wet or no wet...life just simplifies at the campground.
Things for School
- enter scores for postsecondary survey completed
- enter scores for Morrison Tech
- enter scores for Plumbers/Pipefitters
- post video file for Plumbers/Pipefitters
- lesson plan for Tuesday, April 9
- post training path grid assignment for Tuesday
- also Tuesday, make sure screencastify extension is working
- sub plans for personal day May 8 - camper to Mutual Wheel
Things to do
- look at Arbiter reschedule of basketball
- spray weeds
- spread weed and feed
- submit costs for colonoscopy for refund
- APRIL 8 - take camper to Mutual Wheel
- send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
- write a letter to Chase and mail - 4/5
- for professional development principal academy training
- complete #3000 (June 17, 2024) register by 6/10
- complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- get truck inspected at Slayden's
- purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance
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