6:17 a.m. - I don't know if it's good news or bad news that we aren't camping this weekend. I guess it's good news I didn't reserve a site somewhere ahead of time because starting in a couple of hours, apparently it's going to be raining on-and-off through Monday morning - the the tune of 4-6 inches of forecasted rain...sheesh. I would just like a little window somewhere on Saturday to get to my parents and clean up that branch that has fallen from their tree, and if possible, it would be great to mow the yard. Other than that, maybe I'll be reading my book a lot. I know Carmen's baby shower is here tomorrow, but I'm not really invited to that, but perhaps I can visit with Carmen after the event is over.
Yesterday was a good day...not quite the battle of previous days, so that was nice. I think Proenneke's film is resonating with the students like I hoped it would, and then yesterday's softball game at Ridgewood was one of the better games I've had this season. It was a long night, but I umpired with Jason Danner, so it was more fun. And then I came home and watched the cable network news commentary shows on the Trump claim to the Supreme Court that he (and apparently every president) should have absolute immunity while a president of the country. I have never heard of such a ridiculous claim, and what's worse is that we have at least a few supreme court justices who are trying to figure out a way to avoid denying it and upsetting their boy Trump. Seriously? How in the hell can that claim even make it to the Supreme Court? The reason of course is so that the Trump team of lawyers can exhaust every last measure of potentially delaying any trial against Trump. Sometimes the best defense is just stalling. Sheesh.
Today...let's get the last of the presentations scored for seventh period. That shouldn't be hard because most of them are well done. Let's get a little farther in the Proenneke video. Let's get a lesson plan made for Monday. Let's get today's scheduled softball game at Monmouth-Roseville cancelled. They are scheduled to play Sterling Newman, which would be another loss for the Titans. Plus, it would only be one game, so I don't really want to drive to Monmouth for $70. So today get through the school day, get the game cancelled, and come home and watch the rain for my Friday evening. I think I could take that.
Things for School
- score training path presentations
- score/enter scores for Thoreau/Walden completion
- decrease participation scores by five points of those who don't participate
- lesson plan for April 29
- complete student-generated questions for Proenneke and make copies
- get copies of student generated questions out of copier
- call Milan Optical - next appointment is October 8
- send message to Ridgewood and Orion
- pick truck up from Slayden's when ready
- clean the pool
- spray weeds
- spread weed and feed
- submit costs for colonoscopy for refund
- send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
- write a letter to Chase and mail - 4/26
- for professional development principal academy training
- complete #3000 (June 17, 2024) register by 6/10
- complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- fill LP tanks
- purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance
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