
Monday, April 1, 2024

Monday, April 1

7:59 a.m. - The weather is no April Fool's joke.  It's cold, wet, and windy once again...just like Spring Break started.  Despite that issue, there are some good things that have occurred already this morning.  First, the Albert Einstein of mice that had taken up residence in the camper finally lost it's battle with my attempts to kill him.  He was able to lick off peanut butter and American cheese, but the harder string cheese apparently proved too much.  I checked a few minutes ago, and the little devil is dead.  Fortunately for him, it was a fairly quick death, as he didn't get stuck on the sticky trap.  He opted for the snap trap, and the mouse is no more.  I'll reset it today to be sure he doesn't have any friends, but my guess is that he was the only resident.  Now I just hope there isn't a nest somewhere that was his (or her) home.  More importantly, I hope there are no wires that have been chewed on.  Second, I found out this morning that I have been accepted into the half-marathon hike at Loud Thunder in a few weeks at Loud Thunder.  I am in no way in shape for such an event, but if I survived 8 miles recently, my thinking is that I can crawl my way through 13.1 by the end of April.  Oh, it's going to be painful, but it will also be inspiring to see the other participants and their efforts.

Yesterday was Easter Sunday, and we went to Jack and Rhonda's first and had lunch.  Then we went to my Aunt Mary's to be with my mom's family, and we ate a second lunch.  I seriously have gained too much weight over the break, which isn't exactly helpful news for someone who was just accepted into a half-marathon hike.  After that, Amber and I went down to the casino, where we lost.  I think it's time for me to take a pause on visiting the casino.  I just don't have the extra cash right now to do that with so many of my softball dates being cancelled for one reason or another.  After getting home, Cole paid us a visit.  I hadn't seen him in awhile.

I'm not sure what today is going to bring.  I'd like to get in some exercise; I need to visit mom and dad and get some hay down for mom out of the barn; and I'd like to watch the Iowa women's basketball team.  Oh, I'd like to read my book a little too.  

Things for School 

  • sub plans for personal day May 8 - camper to Mutual Wheel

Things to do

  • spray weeds
  • spread weed and feed
  • submit costs for colonoscopy for refund
  • APRIL 8 - take camper to Mutual Wheel
  • send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
  • Carmen and Easter - Thinking now Good Friday - 10 a.m.
  • write a letter to Chase and mail - 3/29
  • for professional development principal academy training
    • complete #3000 (June 17, 2024)  register by 6/10
    • complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6 
  • For Summer Camping Adventure
    • get truck inspected at Slayden's
    • purchase car pass for the days we are staying at Glacier (vehicle registration ticket)

Mon., 1 - at MerCo with Danner
Tues., 2 - OPEN
Wed., 3 - at MerCo with Danner
Fri., 5 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
Sat., 6 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
SUNDAY, 7 - Camping at Loud Thunder
Mon., 8 - BLOCKED - taking camper to Mutual Wheel
Tues., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Wed., 10 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 11 - at United Township with Quiroz
Fri., 12 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 13 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 15 - at MonRose with Danner
Tues., 16 - at Galesburg with Rakestraw
Wed., 17 - at Orion with Campbell
Thurs., 18 - at Orion with Quiroz
Fri., 19 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
Sat., 20 - BLOCKED - Camping at Loud Thunder - BOOKED
    - MAYBE 1/2 Marathon Trail Run
Mon., 22 - at Orion with Humphrey
Tues., 23 - at Geneseo with Johnson
Wed., 24 - at MonRose with Danner
Thurs., 25 - at AlWood with Danner
Fri., 26 - at MonRose with Danner
Sat., 27 - BLOCKED 
Mon., 29 - at Sherrard with Danner
Tues., 30 - at MonRose with Danner

Wed., 1 - OPEN
Thurs., 2 - at Orion with Kale
Fri., 3 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 4 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 6 - OPEN
Tues., 7 - at AlWood with Danner
Wed., 8 - at Annawan with Danner
Thurs., 9 - at Knoxville with Grant
Fri., 10 - BLOCKED - Camping
Sat., 11 - BLOCKED - Camping
Mon., 13 - Softball Regionals
Tues., 14 - at Geneseo with Danner

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