6:17 a.m. - Yesterday went okay. I know it sounds like a broken record sometimes, and maybe it's a little frustrating or depressing that days are okay, right? Isn't it unreasonable, though, to think that all of our days are going to be magical and special? Isn't the fact that that the majority of our days are "okay" somehow lends to the reality that other days are special and other days are tragic or sad. I supposed when we all face the end of our lives, if we can look back and appreciate the majority of "okay" days, then we have something special. I think I'll be able to do that.
So yesterday, I attempted to helps students better appreciate Thoreau and the perspectives of the transcendentalists, and I felt a few start to think. I'll hopefully get a few more to think today, and if we start the movie, perhaps a few more will start to think. My hope is not that all students will become transcendentalists and shed their current lives; my hope is that they will think about the transcendentalist view to attempt to have balance in our lives - not let one part of our lives control the other. We need to balance work, play, relationships, responsibilities, free time, technology, and relaxation. We really need it all, but we need to keep all the areas at healthy levels. We can't let our lives get out of balance...or at least we need to try to keep a balance that we can manage on a daily, weekly, monthly, basis. That doesn't mean each day can be a balance, but if the balance was a little off during the week, perhaps that realization needs to lend itself to a correction on the weekend.
Today apparently the weather is going to provide one more day of decent weather, and then the monsoon weekend arrives. It looks like Saturday there will be a little time during the day for me to get over to the farm and accomplish a little work for mom and dad - get the wood and brush picked up from that fallen tree limb, and perhaps get a shot at tilling the garden if the ground isn't too wet. I'd like to get more of the training path presentations scored too. I've got two class periods done, and those should be the most difficult to complete.
Things for School
- score training path presentations - 1st, 2nd, 5th periods done
- score/enter scores for Thoreau/Walden completion - 1st, 2nd, 5th periods done
- decrease participation scores by five points of those who don't participate - 1st, 2nd, 5th done
- check on progress of Thoreau's questions
- lesson plan for 4/26
Things to do
- send message to Galesburg and Alleman
- send message to Ridgewood and Orion
- pick truck up from Slayden's when ready
- clean the pool
- spray weeds
- spread weed and feed
- submit costs for colonoscopy for refund
- send registration for Justin Sharp Shootout
- write a letter to Chase and mail - 4/16
- for professional development principal academy training
- complete #3000 (June 17, 2024) register by 6/10
- complete #1865 (June 13, 2024) register by 6/6
- For Summer Camping Adventure
- fill LP tanks
- purchase Glacier vehicle registration ticket for west entrance
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