5:54 a.m. - Yesterday was a productive day - mowed the yard, weed-wacked the ditch, and vacuumed the pool. We also continued to work a little on the Eagle...cleaning, organizing, etc... I also looked at some replacement tire possibilities. One thing I didn't get accomplished was scoring essays, but that's okay. This week is going to be a busy week - volleyball in the evenings, and then the Harrison threesome is going to be staying with us.
I saw something on Twitter that Mercer County High School is shifting to a "remote learning" schedule this week - ugh. Basically they are going to an early dismissal schedule to give students and teachers time to work with remote learners because there are so many students out do to COVID. My experience with that from last year is that students just think it's time not to do anything for school. They don't do the work, or if they do it's very minimal, and they don't check in with teachers or watch any recordings. Basically, if an assignment isn't posted in their Google Classroom classwork, they think the class period didn't exist. So that is Mercer County's solution to excessive absences. My guess is that teachers still have to be in the building all day. I sure hope that Rockridge doesn't have this as a contingency plan. Oh and apparently the volleyball team is still out for another week.
With all the weekend activities and college football returning to action with crowds in attendance, the experts on television are making predictions that surges in COVID will hit about mid-September. And now I'm hearing rumors of new variants that may be cropping up. We still have a long way to go before COVID is a thing of the past.
Beginning of Year School Things
- add IEP information to folder (along with 504 information)
Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22
- English III
- edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
- create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
- enter grades for effort for reading pre-assessment
- release scores
- talk about results as a possible indicator
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
- score pre-assessment essays
- Public Speaking
- edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed
- create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
- score Chapter 1 questions assignment
- make a Chapter 1 quiz - 27 points? (multiple choice?)
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades
- get JayFlight title to new owners and pick up my license plate
- get title of Eagle to the bank and make deposit and figure out transfer of plate thing
- receive new vent lids, install those, and install vent covers
- get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
- get new tires on trailer
- send thank-you to Joe and Lois
- next chiro appointment - ask about Sept. 17
- new eye doctor - Sept. 15 - 4 p.m.
- SEPT 11 8am-3pm RI County Fairgrounds - hazardous material drop off -- PAINT
- respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
- respond to Lea Kendall's Air Force Academy email
- weed wack the swamp
- get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
- 9/7 - JH VB - Glenview 4
- 9/8 - HS VB - Galva
- 9/9 - HS VB - Sherrard
- 9/10-9-12 - Harrison kids
- 9/13 - HS VB - Muscatine
- 9/14 - JH VB - Glenview
- 9-15 - Eye Appointment 4 p.m. - Dr. Hainline
- 9-16 - JH VB - at PV JH 4 p.m.
- 9-17 - FRIDAY
- SAT - 9/18 - JH VB TRNY - at Sterling
- 9/20 - HS VB - Annawan
- 9/21 - JH VB - John Deere
- 9/23 - JH VB - Seton
- 9/25 - Mike's Daughter's Wedding
- 9-24-9/25 - CAMPING WEEKEND?
- 9/27 - JHGBK - Cambridge
- 9/28 - HS VB - MonRose
- 9/30 - JH VB - John Deere
- Oct. 1-2 - Camping?
- Oct. 8-10 - Columbus Day Weekend - Camping?
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
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