
Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday, September 24

5:42 a.m. - I wasn't sure this day was ever going to get here.  This week hasn't been bad; it's just been hectic.   And I really shouldn't be thrown off by a hectic week because it seems like every week is hectic.  Yesterday was a pretty good example, though.  School was activity day and then professional development.  Then I was off to Seton to officiate volleyball.  I returned home to five grand children, their parents, their grandparents, and a dog.  So we played and wrestled for awhile - the able bodied grandchildren and I.  They were all here because the RHS Homecoming Parade goes right by our house.  Then after everyone had left, Amber and I scrambled to get the house somewhat put together and get the camper packed and ready to go for today's trip to Galena after school.  THAT'S ALL JUST ONE DAY.  I'm sure my friends and family sometimes wonder why I enjoy camping so much, and the reason is that camping is a get-a-way from those kind of days.

Keep in mind, it's not like yesterday was AWFUL; in fact, it went very well.  Yesterday, though, was one of those days that seem to happen often in my life that "the fun never stops".  :)  Today, not quite as much as happening.  I will have a school day, of course.  Students will be wound up over Homecoming Weekend, which is good.  Mrs. Bohnsack is coming to help them set up their college board accounts and speak with them, which is good.  And we'll be taking the trailer a little farther this weekend up to Galena, which is also good.  I don't have any officiating over the weekend, and I'll get to spend some time with old friends at one of my friend's daughter's wedding.  There won't be a lot of time for "adventure" but we'll experience a new campground in our new camper, and that's a good thing.  Sunday, we'll try to get back home fairly early, so I can mow the yard, the the camper backed in to it's parking spot next to the house, and get some lesson plans ready for next school week - which is more officiating and more school but at least it won't be Homecoming Week.  Sometime, I need to see if I can visit with Carmen.  On the 26th, she has a birthday.

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22

English III

  • edit English III agenda on the Stream with the day's recording
  • create the English III next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
    • determine goals for professional growth - Google Form Mrs. Hasson
    • score John Smith assignments
      • 7th period finished
    • enter FRW 9-22 scores
    • look at and finalize Rocketeer contribution info
    • enter Khan Academy Pronouns Scores

Public Speaking

  • edit Public Speaking agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session if needed\
  • create the Public Speaking next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • enter PW 9-22 scores
  • BOTH
    • respond to student/parent emails and update grades
Other Things To Do
  • get school chair fixed
    • AllMakes open 8-5 Monday thru Friday and 8-1 on Saturdays.
  • fill out paperwork for December 15 eye appointment
  • pay middle of the months bills
  • get better system of electricity outlet to the trailer on the east side of the garage
  • next chiro appointment?
  • get appointment to Virdi Eye Clinic for tests
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house
Upcoming officiating/umpiring
  • 9/25 - Mike's Daughter's Wedding
  • 9-24-9/25 - CAMPING WEEKEND - Palace Campground - Galena
  • 9/27 - JHGBK - Cambridge
  • 9/28 - HS VB - MonRose
  • 9/30 - JH VB - John Deere
  • Oct. 1-2 - Camping?
  • Oct. 4 - FS VB at Davenport Central - 6 p.m.
  • Oct. 5 - HS VB at Sherrard
  • Oct. 6 - HS VB at MonRose
  • Oct. 8-10 - Columbus Day Weekend - Camping?
  • Oct. 12 - FS VB at UT - 5 p.m.
  • Oct. 13 - JHGBK at Rockridge
  • Oct. 14 - HS VB at MonRose
  • Oct. 16 - HS VB at Sherrard Tourney
  • Oct. 18 - HS VB at Annawan
  • Oct. 20 - JHGBK at Rockridge
  • Oct. 21 - HS VB at Sherrard (last VB match I think)
  • Oct. 25 - JHGBK at Rockridge

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