
Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saturday, July 17

7:35 a.m. - The weather is going to cooperate for the pool birthday party for Ava.  Now I just need to get a few things done to get ready for the party, but I should be able to get everything done that I need to get done.  I think next week I will focus on trying to wack weeds in the ditch and the swamp.  Yesterday was almost exclusive grandpa day, but Carmen was here and helped too.  I did manage to mow the yard, which was really needed, so I'm glad I was able to squeeze that in.  I almost forgot to mention...I mowed the yard because the part for the mower deck came in and I was able to fix it.  For most people, that wouldn't be a big thing, but I'm not exactly a small engine expert, so that's a big deal for me!

6:17 p.m. - The pool birthday party went very well.  The weather really cooperated.  Now I have a dog at my house.  Sadie is a big old brown lab.  She's a wonderful dog, but we are babysitting here for a week while the Harrisons are on vacation.  Sadie hasn't met the cats yet.  That's probably going to happen later today.  I hope that goes well.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • vacuum the pool before tomorrow's party
  • look through NW Mutual emails
  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

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