
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Monday, July 26 - Vacation Trip Begins!

6:31 a.m. - I won't be entering a post until we arrive back - August 4th or August 5th?  It's adventure day!  I slept okay last night and have touched up a few things this morning to get ready - pool, birds, cats.  I've had a cup of coffee and watched the news...looks like the heat is staying here for a few more days but then cooling off over the weekend.  Maybe we will arrive back to cooler temps.  I think I have most of my items checked off on my list, but I'll make sure to check it over again - probably more than once.

LEAVE EDGINGTON AROUND 7-8 a.m. Monday, July 26

STOP #1 -- Toledo East/Stoney Ridge KOA July 26 

STOP #2 - Niagara Falls Grand Island Holiday KOA - July 27-30

STOP #3 - Artillery Ridge Campground - Gettysburg - July 30-Aug. 3

STOP #4 -  Toledo East/Stoney Ridge KOA Aug. 3

ARRIVE BACK TO EDGINGTON - August 4 sometime in the afternoon

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • Finalize third partner for Nov. 17 at Geneseo girls - I think it will be Rocky
  • Mail out bills on the 29th
  • have to get out of vb open house night date
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • respond to Lea Kendall's Air Force Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp - not going to get done before trip
  • set up appointment with Chiro - Andrew Weilher
  • appointment with Dr. Hussein - knee (I heard from Wang's office yesterday via message)
    • August 5th 8:30 a.m.
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Sunday, July 25

7:12 a.m. - I got all the yardwork done yesterday, and that was a lot to do.  Brooklyn and Brinley came back with us to spend the night after we dropped Sadie off at the Harrisons.  After we got home with the girls we ate McDonald's supper and then went swimming.  Today will be a babysitting day since Kenzie is coming over to do hair.  Tomorrow is depart day for vacation.

7:17 p.m. - It's been a busy day...the grandkids didn't depart until after lunch, but then the side of the grandkids arrived, even though I didn't swim today because I had a little swimmer's ear going on.  I think I probably got that from swimming with Brooklyn and Brinley last night and going under the water so much.  So I visited a little while but then stayed inside and watched coverage of the Olympics.  Then after everyone left, it was time to get things off the list of items to accomplish before pulling out tomorrow morning...things to make sure I packed, things to do around the house, things to do with the camper and truck, etc...  I also decided to do the pool things tonight that I had planned on doing tomorrow.  No departure is ever perfect...I usually forget something I intended on bringing or realize I should have brought something that I didn't even think of.  That's okay...those things are all part of the adventure.  I hope I can now get a good nights sleep.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

    • Top off the pool tabs
    • Pour in other two chlorine jugs
  • Finalize third partner for Nov. 17 at Geneseo girls - I think it will be Rocky
  • Mail out bills on the 29th
  • have to get out of vb open house night date
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp - not going to get done before trip
  • set up appointment with Chiro - Andrew Weilher
  • appointment with Dr. Hussein - knee (I heard from Wang's office yesterday via message)
    • August 5th 8:30 a.m.
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Saturday, July 24th

6:28 a.m.  - Today is get the yard ready for vacation day!  And the weather temps are not going to cooperate as the heat index is going to be above 100 degrees.  There is never a point in fighting Mother Nature, though, so I'll try to get at it as early as possible.  One thing I'm not doing is running the Bix, which is disappointing.  I wish my knee was healthier and my weight was lighter.  Maybe next year, right?  This should be the last day with Sadie, as the Harrisons are supposed to arrive home sometime this afternoon evening.  Rumor on the street is that we will be dropping off Sadie but bringing back Brinley and Brooklyn.  We haven't seen the girls for a week, and we won't see them next week.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

    • Top off the pool tabs
    • Pour in other two chlorine jugs
  • Mow the yard - level 4, sweep up grass.
    • Hook up the trailer and bring it to the front yard, then mow the east side
  • Finalize third partner for Nov. 17 at Geneseo girls
  • Mail out bills on the 29th
  • have to get out of vb open house night date
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp - not going to get done before trip
  • set up appointment with Chiro - Andrew Weilher
  • appointment with Dr. Hussein - knee (I heard from Wang's office yesterday via message)
    • August 5th 8:30 a.m.
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday, July 23

9:03 a.m. - It's Friday!  I slept with the cats last night downstairs, and tonight is Sadie's last night as a granddog visitor.  Sadie and I went for a walk this morning, and it's going to be a hot one.  I see myself in the pool today.  I've decided that the weeds in the swamp just aren't going to get done before our trip.  I'm not going to push it in this heat with a sore knee with a bunch of weeds that I just really don't care about anyway.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • Mail out bills on the 29th
  • have to get out of vb open house night date
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp - not going to get done before trip
  • set up appointment with Chiro - Andrew Weilher
  • appointment with Dr. Hussein - knee (I heard from Wang's office yesterday via message)
    • August 5th 8:30 a.m.
  • get pricing from Jason Martin for work on the house

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Thursday, July 22

7:33 a.m. - Yesterday was a "little things" day....oh by the way, the flamingoes have left as quickly as they came.  (The front yard is clear.)  I went into Milan and got a haircut and stopped by a chiro to see about getting an appointment.  I didn't get anything done with the swam weeds, but I may get to that today.  I took a peek at the weather for next week, and it doesn't look blistering hot, which is nice.  I'm not sure what I am going to accomplish today...probably will spend some time in the pool.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • write out bills and envelops for beginning of the month
  • have to get out of vb open house night date
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp
  • determine if check was received for May 4 softball - Jaymie Lum
  • set up appointment with Chiro - Andrew Weilher
  • set up appointment with Dr. Hussein - knee (I heard from Wang's office yesterday via message)
    • August 5th 8:30 a.m.
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wednesday, July 21

7:19 a.m. - We have flamingos in our yard!  We've been flocked!  Oh my goodness.  And I thought it was going to be an uneventful day.  I think I'm just going to go for a walk with Sadie, get my haircut, and meet with Jason Martin around noon to discuss the home improvement things I need done.  Then I'm probably going to get in the pool.  I did learn that I'm going to have to plug away at the swam weeds with the poly head of my weed eater.  I don't have the right model of Stihl to get any other attachments on it.  That's not good news.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • write out bills and envelops for beginning of the month
  • have to get out of vb open house night date
  • respond to Jack Redlinger's Naval Academy email
  • weed wack the swamp
  • determine if check was received for May 4 softball - Jaymie Lum
  • set up appointment with Dr. Hussein - knee (I heard from Wang's office yesterday via message)
    • August 5th 8:30 a.m.
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Tuesday, July 20

8:29 a.m. - I think I'm going to mow the yard today, but first, I'm going to take a run to Aledo, and I think I'm going to shopvac out the truck and car.  Yesterday was pretty much relax and relax and more relax, but I did finish my book, and while I ate too much food during supper, I at least stuck to other aspects of the protocol.  I think I need to now start counting calories.  I did walk Sadie, and we walked this morning too.  My right knee isn't 100%, but it's feeling stronger.  I wish I would get a call about a referral appointment to ORA.  If no one calls today, I'll have to make a call to my doctor and find out what's going on.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
    • write out bills and envelops for beginning of the month
  • have to get out of vb open house night date
  • weed wack the swamp
  • set up appointment with Dr. Hussein - knee
  • get more blades for the Stihl weed eater
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Monday, July 19, 2021

Monday, July 19

7:40 a.m. - I got the ditch weeds mowed down yesterday, and it was a big job.  I filled the gas tank three times.  After that, the day consisted of pool time, reading, and dogsitting Sadie.  I think I'm going to work on vacuuming my cars out today with the shop vac in the morning, and then I'm going to go back to pool, reading, and dogsitting.  I know it seems like I'm being pretty lazy, but this is the time I have during the whole year just to completely wind down.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
    • write out bills and envelops for beginning of the month
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get more blades for the Stihl weed eater
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sunday, July 18

7:29 a.m. - Sadie (the granddog) and I had a sleepover in the spare bedroom last night. She's very clingy, which I suppose is to be expected since she's not home.  Right now as I type this she is laying down at my feet.  I'm not sure if she will be swimming in the pool like other dogs we have had here, but I'm thinking that she's going to try it out.  Amber has stated this morning that she wants Sadie to have a bath today...that should be interesting.  Today, Amber isn't working, so today will probably end up being a pool day, but I want to start on the weed wacking project.  If I could get the ditch done today, that would be wonderful.  I'm really not looking forward to it, but the ditch has become overgrown and needs to be knocked down.  I'll be wearing the rubber boots since the recent rains have filled up the ditch with water and mud; I hope I don't run into snakes, but the likelihood is strong.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saturday, July 17

7:35 a.m. - The weather is going to cooperate for the pool birthday party for Ava.  Now I just need to get a few things done to get ready for the party, but I should be able to get everything done that I need to get done.  I think next week I will focus on trying to wack weeds in the ditch and the swamp.  Yesterday was almost exclusive grandpa day, but Carmen was here and helped too.  I did manage to mow the yard, which was really needed, so I'm glad I was able to squeeze that in.  I almost forgot to mention...I mowed the yard because the part for the mower deck came in and I was able to fix it.  For most people, that wouldn't be a big thing, but I'm not exactly a small engine expert, so that's a big deal for me!

6:17 p.m. - The pool birthday party went very well.  The weather really cooperated.  Now I have a dog at my house.  Sadie is a big old brown lab.  She's a wonderful dog, but we are babysitting here for a week while the Harrisons are on vacation.  Sadie hasn't met the cats yet.  That's probably going to happen later today.  I hope that goes well.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • vacuum the pool before tomorrow's party
  • look through NW Mutual emails
  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday, July 16

7:24 a.m. - I have to make this quick; apparently lots of kids are coming today, and they are coming early.  So I'll just say here that yesterday was a good, quiet birthday.  Today appears to be set up to be hectic, but I think the dang rain and clouds are supposed to clear out.  Yesterday, Carmen came and visited and spent the day and evening here, so it was nice to spend time with her...we even watched the movie Glory together last night.  I'm really liking the book that Amber got me for my birthday, it's supplemented with animated YouTube videos to show troop movement, and there are QR3 codes for various places in and around Gettysburg to provide locations and pics of what it looks like today.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • vacuum the pool before tomorrow's party
  • deposit check in the bank
  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thursday, July 15 - 55?

 7:23 a.m. - Today I'm 55; I'm perplexed how the heck that happened.  Shouldn't I be like 25? :)  Yesterday, my visit to the doctor didn't net much new information, but I did get some medicine to work on my left foot, as the Doc thinks it's just athlete's foot.  As far as the knee, I've got a prescription to help with the pain, and he referred me to a doctor at ORA, so I'll soon be setting an appointment for getting another MRI to take a look at the knee and see what options I have.  I was supposed to go get a brace to immobilize my knee, but I tried to go, and the order hadn't been sent yet.  I'm not driving in again; plus, how the heck am I going to function in life immobilizing my right knee?  Amber and I went for lunch and a casino attempt.  I didn't lose as much as I usually do, so that's a win right?  Later in the afternoon, Luke and Brinley stayed with us up until the evening.  Amber did get me a book about the Battle of Gettysburg, and I really like's sort of a step-by-step guide to the battle with pics and maps.  I'll be spending some time with the book this morning (now that I've got the garbage and recycle out and have filled the birdfeeder).  Did I mention it's raining again?  I think since yesterday we've gotten 2-3 inches of rain.  I had to go out to the pool and backwash water out to bring it to a lower level.  Once the rain stops this morning, I'm going to need to add chlorine to help negate the effects of all this rain.  If I don't get the chlorine in, the pool water will get cloudy, and we are supposed to have a birthday party here for Ava on Saturday.  Actually, after I pour in the chlorine, I may go get some more in case two jugs of chlorine doesn't keep the water clear.  And I LOVE going to the pool supply story (not).  I'm not sure what the rest of today will entail...Amber works until 1 p.m. I think, and I think Tucker might be with us today too.  Maybe I'll run over and see mom and dad later this morning.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday, July 14

6:52 a.m. - Today I head to the doctor to have Dr. Wang check out my right knee and left foot.  I don't think this will be my one and final stop of figuring out a solution, but I need to go down this path to figure out what to do next.  I'm not sure what the rest of the day is going to include...I think I heard Amber say the Harrison clan was going to be here today.  12 days until vacation!

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrelin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
  • Dr. Wang - July 14 8:45 a.m.
  • buy more bird seed
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday, July 13

6:36 a.m. - Supposedly according to the weather guy this morning, the sun is actually going to make an appearance in our area.  So today is going to be yard mowing day.  Before that, though, I'm headed to an appointment with my financial wealth advisor.  I might as well go over to Davenport now, since I have a little free time this week from school and umpiring and officiating.  My financial wealth picture is not as healthy as it should be, and I'm not sure I can really do much about it at this point, but I don't think it will hurt to at least look at the picture and consider my next options as I near retirement.  Yesterday, I got a lot done on the truck and trailer that was on my to-do list.  Filing up that dang truck for our trip is going to be painful.  Yesterday a fill-up at Casey's was $73...yikes.  I also finished up Season 3 of the Battle of Gettysburg podcast, and I even ordered a t-shirt to take on the trip with me.  Maybe it's time to read something on Niagara Falls.

3:33 p.m. -  Today's financial planning meeting went well.  I made some decisions that will hopefully benefit me, Amber, and the Bizarri kids in the long run.  I also determined that retiring early really isn't a good idea unless I plan on securing some other type of employment.  So I'm looking at another five years of teaching, which I believe is doable. 

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrenlin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • purchase more grey and black water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
  • Dr. Wang - July 14 8:45 a.m.
  • Tyler Kargl - July 13 9:30 a.m.
    • Northwestern Mutual: 1704 E. 54th St Davenport, IA 52807
    • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • mow the yard
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday, July 12

6:45 a.m. - The rains continue.  Mowing the yard apparently can occur tomorrow according to the weather forecast, and then more rains arrive.  Perhaps I'll work on getting some things done on the truck today. Yesterday was pretty quiet...tried to stay off my legs.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrenlin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • finish Season 3 of the Battle of Gettysburg Podcast
    • Longstreet - Part 1
    • Longstreet - Part 2
    • July 1 on Seminary Ridge
  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • check tire pressures - truck/trailer and spares
    • sharpen ax
    • purchase more grey and black water solution
    • vacuum out the cab of the truck with the shop vac
    • oil change in the truck
    • test the battery on the camper
    • take lint roller to back seat
    • grease the TV antenna
    • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Dr. Wang - July 14 8:45 a.m.
  • Tyler Kargl - July 13 9:30 a.m.
    • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
    • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • mow the yard
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday, July 11

9:34 a.m.- The Harrison girls stayed last night, and they just left with Kenzie, so my morning starts now.  They were really good and fun to play with, as usual.  Amber has to leave in a little while to work, and then I think I have the day to myself.  It's raining again, so it's going to be an indoor day.

Revise IF protocol
1) Break fast with an apple. (water type foods...low in glycemic index)
2) Strength train...activate muscle growth hormone.
3) Cardio train...deplete glycogen to allow for energy burned by fat.
4) Accept the voices, but don't listen to ghrenlin and leptin. (after 8 p.m.)
5) Eat foods I like but control for calories - stick to 2,100 calories
6) Drink at least six glasses of water.

Things To Do

  • view unseen Fledge Fitness videos
  • finish Season 3 of the Battle of Gettysburg Podcast
    • Medical Care - Part 1
    • Medical Care - Part 2
    • Longstreet - Part 1
    • Longstreet - Part 2
    • July 1 on Seminary Ridge
  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • check tire pressures - truck/trailer and spares
    • sharpen ax
    • purchase more grey and black water solution
    • oil change in the truck
    • test the battery on the camper
    • take lint roller to back seat
    • grease the TV antenna
    • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • pay bills -mid-month (water, credit card, NW Mutual)
  • Dr. Wang - July 14 8:45 a.m.
  • Tyler Kargl - July 13 9:30 a.m.
    • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
    • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • mow the yard
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Saturday, July 10

7:52 a.m. - It's a rain weekend.  I don't really have much on the agenda, which is good because my right leg and left foot hurt badly.  I do have an appointment next Wednesday to start the ball rolling of getting checked out.  I'm going to try to stretch and ice and relax today.  My finances aren't as bleak as earlier in the summer since I've had some umpiring checks arrive.  My weight isn't as good...tomorrow's weigh-in isn't going to be pretty, and part of my leg/foot recovery has to be to lose some weight.  Maybe today I'll listen to a couple of episodes of podcasts.

6:19 p.m. - With all the rain, I was able to persuade Amber to take a ride with me to Burlington to see Carmen's new apartment and to go to the casino and use the gift certificate I gave her for her birthday.  While there, we went to lunch at an old-time pizzeria, which I really enjoyed but the food took a long time to arrive.  After we got back, I went into Moline and purchased an IPass for our trip so we can avoid going through the tollway stops.

Things To Do

  • BEFORE EAST TRIP - truck and trailer
    • check tire pressures - truck/trailer and spares
    • sharpen ax
    • purchase more grey and black water solution
    • oil change in the truck
    • test the battery on the camper
    • take lint roller to back seat
    • grease the TV antenna
    • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • pay bills -mid-month (water, credit card, NW Mutual)
  • Dr. Wang - July 14 8:45 a.m.
  • Tyler Kargl - July 13 9:30 a.m.
    • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
    • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • mow the yard
  • Trip to Jewel-Osco
    • razor and blades
    • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday, July 9

3:07 p.m. - We had a nice camping trip to Scott County Park.  I wasn't back home more than an hour and the Harrison and Southwell kids were here.  It was great to see them after being away for a few days.  Tomorrow, I'm going to work on the yard.  I now have a list of things to do with the truck and trailer before we head on the big trip east.

Things To Do

  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
    • Put $200 on the account
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Tuesday, July 6

7:45 a.m. - As of typing this entry, I have already been up to weed-and-feed the yard and spray round up on the trim lines to kill weeds and grass.  Yes, that's already a good day, and it's not even 8 a.m. yet.  It's going to be a busy day, as I'm heading to the farm to help mom load some hay this morning, and then I'm getting the camper to a campsite somewhere and sometime and somehow - maybe by myself.  I was also informed that the Harrison girls are going to be here to swim.  I'm now glad I got the weed jobs finished when I did.  My leg and foot still hurt a lot; I'm going to have to Tylenol through all of this, and maybe while camping I can just chill out and rest.

Things To Do

  • help mom put hay in the barn
  • put weed and feed on back yard
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • round up the trim and fence lines
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
    • Put $200 on the account
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday, July 5th

6:34 a.m. - It was a complete "pool day" yesterday.  Food off the grill, lots of kids and adults enjoying the water, smiles, and wonderful weather - clear blue sky, light winds, and warm temps.  Last night Carmen and I enjoyed a local fireworks display off the back deck.  I'm not sure how much money the neighbor spent, but it wasn't cheap.  Today, I COULD get some tasks completed, but I'm still hurting, so I think I'm going to shut down my body again today and make it another pool day, especially if my mom calls for hay to be loaded.  The weather forecast doesn't look good for mid-week camping, as there is supposed to be a lot of rain moving in from the north, so I'm going to try to push any camping back to at least Thursday.  I did get a message about doing some high school umpiring this week, but I declined...I really need to shut myself down and heal up.  

Things To Do

  • put weed and feed on back yard
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • round up the trim and fence lines
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
    • Put $200 on the account
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday, July 4 - Happy Independence Day

6:24 a.m. - For me, July 4th always marks the mid-point of summer break.  So in some ways, it's sort of sad, but in other ways it's okay.  I really need to try to get my back and legs healthy and recovered.  I had hoped to really stay off my feet yesterday, but that didn't happen.  We went to the farmers' market, then we went to Camping World to look at campers, and then I came home and worked on the yard.  None of those things equated to staying off my feet.  Oh, and I also got the new diving platform installed, which went much easier than I anticipated.  Today, Amber is planning a pool party for family and friends, but I think it will be just a "day thing".  I don't think this will be a "night thing", but I am considering a little campfire if the situation is right.  I think since there will be a lot of people here today, I'm going to hold off on weed killing until tomorrow or later this week.  

Bad news - I gained three pounds since last Sunday.  I'm not happy about that.  It's actually pretty simple because I did plenty of exercising.  I just ate too much.  I know part of my back and leg problems are weight.  I just need to do a better job of restraint on portion sizes of food.  Talking about it doesn't help, and I really need to write everything down, but I've never been very good at sustaining that effort.

Not great news - I've managed to "dip" into my savings to make everything work this summer, and I'm not happy about that.  An easy remedy would be to work more softball umpiring weekends, but I really don't want to do that for my mental health and my physical health.  I'm still okay financially compared to past years, but I had really hoped to build on my savings this summer, and that hasn't panned out.

Good news - I have a lot of reasons to be grateful and blessed on this holiday weekend.  I have family and friends and enough to live comfortably.  We have a nice vacation planned for later this month, and today will be a good day giving back to family for all they do for us.  Plus the kids will have the new diving board to use for a platform to jump into the pool.

Things To Do

  • put weed and feed on back yard
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • round up the trim and fence lines
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
    • Put $200 on the account
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Saturday, July 3

6:32 a.m. - Last night I spent a ridiculous amount of money for supper. We went to a steakhouse above Rhythm City, and I know I'm a cheap ass, but good golly molly.  There isn't a steak on the planet worth $50, and the steaks weren't very big.  I had a seafood pasta entree, and it was like $36.  The food appeared old - maybe because we were eating at 8 p.m.  All of this was for my friend's 50th birthday party, so it was a special occasion, but I'm reminded how that world just isn't my world.  Honestly, the best part of my meal may have been the side of asparagus.   Today apparently we are headed to the Farmer's Market, and then we are going to camping world to look at campers.  Why?  Because Amber wants to.  I like our camper; I'm comfortable with our camper; I'm making payments on our camper.  She wants more room...basically she wants more slideouts or at least bigger slideouts.  So we are going to camping world to see what she likes and doesn't like.  In the evening we are headed to the Harrisons for a July 4 get-together.  Somewhere in between the morning and evening, I'll be scrambling to mow the yard and spray weeds.  Then tomorrow morning I'd really like to get my weed and feed down in the grass, but that may wait until Monday morning.  Oh, and the diving board is in?  So I'll need to install that sometime too.  My leg is killing me; my foot hurts, and I have all this stuff to complete.  Ugh.

I did think about how my "officiating and umpiring season" is completed, and it was the pandemic season of hell.  I'm really suffering, but I hope some days off will allow me to recover and recharge.  Plus, I'm hoping the 21-22 officiating and umpiring season isn't such a "balls-to-the-walls" experience like this recent season.  

Things To Do

  • mow the yard
  • pick up and install diving board
  • put weed and feed on back yard
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • round up the trim and fence lines
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
    • Put $200 on the account
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Friday, July 2, 2021

Friday, July 2

6:32 a.m. - The softball gods smiled on me last night...thank you softball gods.  My last game was a 12-run run rule game.  It's over...20-21 high school softball season is done and in the books, and my feet and knees are cashed in.  This morning Brinley and Brooklyn are with us, so I don't know what the day is going to be like.  I had considered mowing the yard and spraying weeds, but maybe that won't get done until tomorrow.  Later tonight we are supposed to go out to supper and casino with Jason and Tad and their wives.  So I'm not sure what happens today, but it won't be officiating or umpiring.

Things To Do

  • install the antenna crank and bumper caps I ordered
  • renew Iowa licenses for basketball, volleyball, softball
  • put weed and feed on back yard
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • round up the trim and fence lines
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
    • Put $200 on the account
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 21-22?

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Thursday, July 1

7:56 a.m. - I removed a fan from a summer basketball game at Orion last night.  He just needed to go.  His loud comments were dumb and stupid and "attack mode", and he just needed to leave.  I'm not proud of this; in fact, I take pride in not having "bunny ears" regarding spectators.  This guy, though, needed to leave.  I'm at a stage in my officiating career where I'm ready to have someone come out of the stands and approach me, so I can take all the years of stupid spectator things and comments and have them ball up in my fist and punch a person.  It was a damn summer game for crying out loud.  I don't care how bad someone may view a particular official's abilities, it's not her or his role to instruct the official.  If you think the officials in the area are not suitable for your child, become an official and improve the situation or move your child to a location in the country that has officials you think are worthy of your viewing.

Today, Amber is working at Shivers.  I needed some downtime this morning.  I need to just chill out and have some quiet time.  I think I might work on the pool.  I don't think I want to mow the grass; maybe that will wait until tomorrow.  Tonight...last night of softball.  I'm ready to be done with high school softball.

Things To Do

  • Check with C. Lien and make sure I'm paid up.
    --install the antenna crank and bumper caps I ordered
  • To be a full member for the upcoming season we have a few options. You can send Chet Lien a $20 check payable to the WCOA. Chet’s address is 9909 132Nd Street Ct W, Taylor Ridge, IL 61284
  • renew Iowa licenses for basketball, volleyball, softball
  • put weed and feed on back yard
  • weed wack the ditch
  • weed wack the swamp
  • round up the trim and fence lines
  • get I-Pass account set up for vacation
    • Put $200 on the account
  • fix the license plate on the GMC (again)
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things
  • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • contact contractor for pricing - fix the green door, west basement windows, west basement door, and under the deck


  • Thurs., 7/1 - DH at Muscatine 5:00 with Jason
  • Fri., 7/2 - casino/dinner with Jason, Tad, spouses

Daily School Things I Need to Accomplish 20-21

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - n/a
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - n/a
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom - n/a
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed - n/a
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades - n/a