6:06 a.m. - I was informed by a loyal reader that fixing the green door has been on my list of things to do for a long time. That is correct; that dang door still needs some TLC, but at this point it's way down on the list. This morning, the rains and wind have moved on. I'm hoping my garbage isn't strewn all over the yard when I go out this morning to put the containers on the curb. Tonight it's volleyball in Fulton, but only the freshmen and fresh/soph are playing. Apparently Fulton's varsity team has been quarantined due to COVID restrictions. I found out yesterday that I'll be umpiring with Cole this weekend, which also happens to be a birthday weekend for him - the big 21. Yes, that's how old I am; all my children are now 21 or older. How in the heck did that happen?
- edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - for April 8
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - for April 9
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed - for April 9
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades
- schedule FRW assignment for next FRW for MONDAY, APRIL 12
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- This weekend - make essay scores viewable and calculati9ng
- make new seating charts for week of April 12
- 5 p.m. VB at Fulton with Ralph Henning
- no IHSA and email needed - only working F/SRalph R Henning (76919) X -- 6 - Take a look at Karrigan's paper
- FRW scores for April 7
- score essays and enter scores
- open the pool
- get camper out of storage - replace LP tanks, replace spare tire, get water lines ready
- make sure I get reimbursed from Northern Illinois Health Plan
- Arda Meeting Sunday, Sunday - 11:30 a.m.
- Continue working with TK to organize financial management things.
- sent email with questions over the weekend (first of April)
- fix the green door
- plan big adventure - dates are July 25-August 7
- East to PA or West to SD
Upcoming Spring EVENTS - volleyball, JH basketball, softball
- Sat. 4/10 5 games USSSA at Park View #2 with Cole
- Sun., 4/11 3 games USSA at NSHS with Cole
- Mon. 4-12 5 p.m at AlWood JHGBK with Marcus
- Tues. 4-13 VB at Rockridge
- Wed. 4-14 VB 5 p.m. at Geneseo with Braeden
- Thurs. 4-15 VB at Monmouth with Braeden?
- Mon. 4-19 5:30 p.m. JHGBK at MerCo
- Tues. 4-20 5 p.m. VB at UT with Smola
- Wed. 4-21 - SB at Sherrard with Jason
- Thurs. 4-22 5 p.m. VB at UT with Chet
Holy Spirit...
Help me have...
a pure heart, that I may see;a humble heart, that I may hear;
a heart of love, that I may serve;
a heart of faith, that I may abide
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