
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Thursday, April 15

6:22 a.m.  
  • I have 23 students that have chosen remote learning, which makes my teaching position more challenging.
  • If George Floyd and Dante Wright wouldn't have resisted arrest for a crime they allegedly committed, they wouldn't have died at the hands of police officers that used excessive force and deserve to be held accountable.  Floyd and Wright should have died from the officers' actions, but they would have lived through their arrests if they would have complied with officers.  I'm always okay with looking at how anybody can improve their job, including police officers, but included in the discussion has to be the behavior expected out of citizens who are stopped by police.  
  • Today was garbage day.  Today was also the fourth day of the week that I went downstairs and walked on the treadmill before sitting down to watch my morning news.  I'd been having trouble getting my exercise in because I'd sit down to "wake up" with my coffee and get interested in the news, and time would get away from me.  So this week I'm trying to watch the local news while walking on the treadmill downstairs.  Then I come up and spend a little time here and thinking about my day.  So far it's worked for my time problems.  I'm hoping tomorrow when I do my "Friday weigh-in" that I've lost at least one pound this week.
  • Last night I officiated volleyball with Braeden at Geneseo.  My hope is that Braeden, Shawn, and I develop into regular partners for volleyball.  Having regular partners just makes the night more fun, which makes the night go by quicker.  And last night, even though Braeden and I are inexperienced, we had fun.  It didn't hurt that all three matches were just two sets and lopsided sets, but it was still the most comfortable night I've had so far on a 3-match night.  Tonight Braeden and I head to Monmouth-Roseville.  He's going to take the stand for the varsity match tonight.
  • Today's PAY-DAY...but the weather continues to be very cold.  I'm glad I'm not umpiring high school softball this week, and the cold temps are keeping the grass from growing too much while I can't get to it.  I hope tomorrow to mow grass after school.

  • edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - for April 15
  • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - for April 16
  • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed - for April 15,16
  • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
  • respond to student/parent emails and update grades
  • schedule FRW assignment - not until MAY

Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future

  • Thurs. 4-15 5 p.m. VB at Monmouth with Braeden
  • Wed. 4-14 5 p.m. at Geneseo with Braeden
    • James (Jay) J. Bizarri (64947)
      X -- 3
      Braeden Louis Peters (72039)
      X -- 2
  • response from IEA/NEA regarding $100.83 penalty
    • received one today 4/14 suggesting my request will be reviewed
  • watch Wednesday IF video
  • record extra credit from SAT experience survey
  • record participation points for General Grind Presentation
    • make sure students can access their responses...
  • Davenport Schools Application
    • get letters of recommendation from Katy, Molly, Anne and update application
    • continue learning more about Perkins Grant
  • open the pool
  • get camper out of storage - replace LP tanks, replace spare tire, get water lines ready
  • make sure I get reimbursed from Northern Illinois Health Plan
  • Arda Meeting Wednesday - canceled
    • Determine new time/date to work with Arda.
  • Continue working with TK to organize financial management things.
    • talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
  • fix the green door
  • plan big adventure - dates are July 25-August 7
    • East to PA or West to SD
Upcoming Spring EVENTS - volleyball, JH basketball, softball

  • Mon. 4-19 5:30 p.m. JHGBK at MerCo 
  • Tues. 4-20 5 p.m. VB at UT with Smola
  • Wed. 4-21 - SB at Sherrard with Jason
  • Thurs. 4-22 5 p.m. VB at UT with Chet

Holy Spirit...
Help me have... 
    a pure heart, that I may see;
    a humble heart, that I may hear;
    a heart of love, that I may serve;
    a heart of faith, that I may abide

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