6:03 a.m. - Here's the thing about working as a softball umpire in the rain. As my partner put it last night....rain is annoying. Unfortunately, it's also doable. So besides the on field stuff that includes the basic premise of getting wet, there is the task of exchanging wet softballs with dry softballs. BUT the worst is having to go home and layout all the plate gear to get dry and layout shoes to dry that then have to be cleaned off. So right now on top of my car is are all of my plate gear items and shoes waiting for me to clean off and put back into my car for tonight's games at Sherrard. There's my morning vent for the day.
It's Thursday; it's garbage day; it's my (hopefully) last softball game for the week before I have an entire weekend to work my ass off around the house and get things in order - yard, pool, camper. Those are three small words representing three BIG things to accomplish.
In recent local news, Mercer County has quarantined its entire high school until May 8 because a positive COVID case was reported that had attended the parent-sponsored prom at Modern Woodmen Park. Of course, now there is social media bashing everywhere of everyone. BUT HERE'S THE DEAL....it's only a big deal because of the extra-curriculars that are getting postponed/cancelled. Few, if anyone, would have their underwear bunched up if this was only affecting school. I get why the parents did it, but I struggle to have any sympathy for the situation. Everyone involved took a chance when they attended the event, and unfortunately a positive case occurred which affected everyone involved. Rockridge did the same thing, and perhaps they will get lucky and not positive cases will surface and affect 10 days of extracurricular activities.
Up today at school is WIU. This is a presentation most of the students have been most interested in seeing, along with the private college. Kassie Daly does a nice job with presenting, so I won't have to do much. Then tomorrow is Trooper Jason Wilson, who also does a nice job. I'm definitely on the downhill side of the unit.
- edit agenda on the Stream with the day's recorded class session - for April 29
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream - through April 30
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed - through April 30
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades
- schedule FRW assignment - not again until May
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- Wed., 4/28 at Rock Island with Tom Phillis
Tom M Phillis (72414)
2418 22 1/2 Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201X -- 9 Work: 309-794-7279
Pager/Cell: 309-236-5568tomphillis@augustana.edu - Thurs., 4/29 DH at Sherrard 4:30 with Jason Danner
James (Jay) J. Bizarri (64947) 14106 138th Ave. W. Taylor Ridge, IL 61284 | C -- 11 | Home: 309-912-2560 Work: 309-793-8020 Pager/Cell: 309-912-2560 | jbizarri@rr300.org |
- get officials for Orion on June 22 and 30
- 3 games beginning at 5 p.m.
- Jay, Shawn, Randy, Braeden, and Marcus are available.
James (Jay) J. Bizarri (64947) 14106 138th Ave. W. Taylor Ridge, IL 61284 | C -- 11 | Home: 309-912-2560 Work: 309-793-8020 Pager/Cell: 309-912-2560 | jbizarri@rr300.org |
Jason E Danner (66821) 2280 Lakeview Rd S Dahinda, IL 61428 | C -- 11 | Work: 309-639-2219 Pager/Cell: 309-299-2611 | jasondanner71@gmail.com |
- post training path project assignment - Tuesday
- due date following Monday? (gives the weekend, and I'm gone Friday)
- still have Free Read Wednesday
- have a blog entry
- post grid assignment - Monday
- return USSSA jacket (I now have label)
- check on GMC plate renewal stickers
- hear back from Botts regarding date changed to Cole
- purchase a speed sensor from AutoZone
- get a haircut
- purchase chlorine for the pool
- See Carmen's show - Apr. 29, 30, or May 1
- pay beginning of month bills (send Vibrant, CC, and Verizon)
- need to send RUMC check
- spray weeds in the yard with RoundUp
- renew GMC license plates
- Call Gannon Pool at estimate to replace Merlin pool cover 309-788-7727
- record participation points for
- week of 4-26
- open the pool
- get camper out of storage - replace LP tanks, replace spare tire, get water lines ready
- Continue working with TK to organize financial management things.
- talk to TRS about whether or not to buy back years
- fix the green door
- plan big adventure - dates are July 25-August 7
- East to PA or West to SD
- Fri., 4/30 - Mon., 5/3 - blocked open
- Mon., 5/3 at MonRose 4:30 with Gerald
- Tues., 5/4 JV at UTHS 4:30 - no partner yet?
- Wed., 5/5 DH at MerCo 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Thurs., 5/6 DH at Orion 4:30 with Lennie Galloway
- Fri., 5/7 BLOCKED OPEN
- Sat., 5/8 BLOCKED OPEN
- Mon., 5/10 at MonRose 4:30 with Ron Grant
- Tues., 5/11 DH at Ridgewood 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 5/12 at UTHS 4:30 with Sergio Villarreal
- Thurs., 5/13 JV at Sherrard 4:30 with Steve Vandervinne
- Fri., 5/14 - personal day OPEN CAMPING West Lake or LT?
- Sat., 5/15 - CAMPING West Lake or LT?
- Sun. 5/16 - CAMPING West Lake or LT?
- Mon., 5/17 DH at United 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 5/18 at Moline 4:00 with Leah Glaser
- Wed., 5/19 at Alleman 4:30 with Sergio
- Thurs., 5/20 DH at West Central 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Fri., 5/21 BLOCKED OPEN
- Mon., 5/24 at AlWood 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 5/25 JV at West 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 5/26 DH? at North Scott 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Thurs., 5/27 DH at MerCo 4:30 with Jason Danner
- Fri., 5/28 - personal day CAMPING in Black River Falls
- Mon., 5/31 - returning from CAMPING
- Tues., 6/1 - DH? at Assumption 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 6/2 - OPEN - may be IHSA Regionals
- Thurs., 6/3 - DH? JV at Burlington 5:30 no partner yet - may be IHSA Regionals
- Fri., 6/4 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Regionals
- Sat., 6/5 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Regionals
- Sun., 6/6 - BLOCKED OPEN/USSSA?-
- Mon., 6/7 - DH? at Burlington 5:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 6/8 - DH? JV at Muscatine 10 a.m. with Jason Danner - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Wed., 6/9 - DH? JV at North Scott 10 a.m. with Ralph Henning - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Thurs., 6/10 - BLOCKED - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Fri., 6/11 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Sat., 6/12 - BLOCKED OPEN - IHSA or USSSA - may be IHSA Sectionals
- Mon., 6/14 - BLOCKED - may also be IHSA SuperSectional
- Tues., 6/15 - OPEN
- Wed., 6/16 - OPEN - may be IHSA State Finals
- Thurs., 6/17 - DH? JV at Burlington 5:30 with Don Wilgenbusch - may be State Finals
- Fri., 6/18 - may be IHSA State Finals
- Sat. 6/19 - may be IHSA State Finals
- Sun., 6/20 - OPEN
- Mon., 6/21 - DH? at Burlington 5:30 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 6/22 - 8 a.m. at DENTIST -- DH? at DeWitt 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Wed., 6/23 - DH? at West 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Thurs., 6/24 - DH?JH at Wilton 10 a.m. by myself?; DHJV at 5:30 p.m. at Burlington with Jason Danner
- Fri., 6/25 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sat., 6/26 - at Justin Sharp Shootout - TBA (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Sun. 6/27 - OPEN (Also Heartland Shootout Weekend)
- Mon., 6/28 - DH? at Assumption 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Tues., 6/29 - JVDH at Dav. Central 10 a.m. with Cole
- Wed., 6/30 - TRNY at 8 a.m. at West with Jason Danner
- Thurs., 7/1 - DH at Muscatine 5:00 with Jason Danner
- Fri., 7/2 - DHJV at West 10 a.m. with Jason Danner - DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL
a humble heart, that I may hear;
a heart of love, that I may serve;
a heart of faith, that I ma
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