5:58 a.m. - It's HUMP DAY! We got through last night's match at Rockridge. There were two calls that we got some hoots and hollers about, but if there were only two, then that's pretty good. Jacqy did great. If she continues to enjoy it and work at it, she's going to be really, really good. Two more matches this week - the last two with Braeden for the season.
The school day went okay too. It was a long day of student presentations, but it was productive. I did blow a minor gasket when I got a message from the Northwestern Mutual agent. He wanted to conduct an annual review, but there were 10,000 questions about all my financials. I've been down that road before...I don't want an annual review that just is another attempt to attempt to sell me more of something. I want the annual review to tell me how much I've contributed, how much I've benefited, and how NW Mutual is out performing other companies to help my contributions go farther. I can't afford any more insurance or investment payments. When my paycheck was only $20 more on Friday than last year, that $20 isn't going very far.
Yesterday, Greg got me and maybe Amber a room booked for Ron O'Hearn's daughter's wedding. I'd really prefer to be camping up there somewhere close, but I couldn't get a campground close enough to the west side of where we need to go, which is just north of Chicago. So maybe we'll drive, or maybe we'll ride up with Greg and Georgia. Either way, we'll be going, which is the important thing.
Things for School
- Ethan E tardy 9-20 (5th)
- Lesson Plan for Sept. 22 - posted on Stream
- score and enter scores for intro to literature assignment - 1st, 2nd, 5th done
- score and enter FRW - 9-20-23
- enter scores from career presentations
- enter scores from Khan Part 1 Foundations Digital SAT prep
- send completion reminder through Google Classroom email
- enter SAT reading scores - 2 - Danforth, 5 - Hoteling
Things to do
- send message to Orion and Rockridge
- Wed., Sept 20 - Flu shot 3 p.m.
- Oct. 21 - Katie OHearn's wedding - Greg booked a hotel room.
- The Inn on Sheridan - Zion, IL 847-872-4000
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