7:47 a.m. - Yesterday was the productive day I needed. We went and watched Brooklyn. Then I got the yard mowed and cleaned the pool. Then the Southwell children arrived. Then I got showered and dressed for to help supervise the Homecoming Dance. That was a little weird. It wasn't like dances that I remembered, but many of the students seemed to have a good time. Then I found out that Notre Dame lost when I thought they had won. So I guess even thought I didn't have much time to relax, I did get a lot done.
Today....I'm helping Shawn with his wooden fence. I hope to watch some football, and I'd like to go see mom and dad. I'd like a little more down time today.
Things for School
- enter remaining scores from career presentations
- enter SAT reading scores - 2 - Danforth, 5 - Hoteling
- next week send message to parents about BHC college fair
Things to do
- determine Bettendorf about volleyball payment - sent message 9-22
- Sat. Sept. 22 - Help supervise Homecoming Dance 6:45-10:00
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