5:49 a.m- I did get a productive day in yesterday. School went okay, but I still have a couple of class periods that have some presentations remaining. After school there was a house full of people and dogs, so the atmosphere was a bit chaotic. Amber and I then went to the football game, which was a blowout. I think the Rockets finally get a couple of decent teams to play in the next couple of weeks. Yesterday, I was able to talk with Shawn about volleyball officiating, and we worked out some details of next year's season. I sent an email out to area coaches, athletic directors, and assignors reflecting those thoughts. I did get a couple of responses, so I guess that's good.
Today needs to be productive to. I need to mow the yard, clean the pool, and then I am going to go help chaperone the dance at the school. I think this morning, though, we are going to Brooklyn's cheerleading and then to see Jack and Rhonda. One reason I have to clean the pool this weekend is because apparently we are having a pool repair crew come to our house on Monday. I sure hope the $600 payment we are giving them gives us some answers. That's a payment that wasn't in my Fall budget.
There's good news on the horizon, though. Next week isn't as busy, and I get to start officiating basketball! That's always a good sign of good things to come! Actually, looking through the rest of the Fall officiating schedule, this past week may have been the biggest hill to climb - no more four nights in a row, and there is a little basketball and volleyball mix each week.
Things for School
- enter remaining scores from career presentations
- enter SAT reading scores - 2 - Danforth, 5 - Hoteling
- next week send message to parents about BHC college fair
Things to do
- determine Bettendorf about volleyball payment - sent message 9-22
- Sat. Sept. 22 - Help supervise Homecoming Dance 6:45-10:00
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