
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wednesday, December 30

7:36 a.m. - It's a "hodge-podge" day today.  There will be no games officiated, and the first order of business is working on the driveway to clear snow and ice.  With another winter storm expected to arrive on Friday with ice possible, I think I'll make sure to get the truck out and fill it with gas and fill up the gas can too for the generator in case it's needed.  I also think I'm going to try to fire up the snowblower today and see if it wants to play.  I might actually work on some school things, but my motivation level for that is not strong.  Since Amber's working at SnowStar later today, I think I'll find some hiking work somewhere...perhaps Black Hawk State Park.  Oh...I also need to get to the bank and make a deposit.

1:59 p.m. - I just finished watching The Avengers with Karrigan, and I'm tired and sore and freezing.  I spent over two hours trying to clear the driveway, and I'm just noticing that the sun is coming out and may help in thawing some of the frozen sleet that is on the driveway.  Right now, though, I just want to take a hot shower.  I think the workout on the driveway is going to cancel the potential hike at the park - I've had my exercise.  I did go ahead and make the deposit, got some ice melt from  B&B, and filled up the gas tank on the truck.  With that in mind, I'm ready for Friday's potential ice storm.

Things to do for school

  • plan for return on January 6 - Khan SAT prep; blogger; Indigenous American Unit
  • determine weakness areas in Khan Grammar Tests
  • score and enter E.B. White Grades
  • Daily
    • edit today's agenda on the Stream with recorded class session
    • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
    • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed
    • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • respond to student/parent emails and update grades
    • TUES - schedule FRW assignment for Wed.

Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future

  • Write checks out for beginning of January
  • Jan. 4 - HHR to Slayden's
  • Write reference letter for Mrs. Mitola
  • Jan. 8 - 8:30 a.m. Dr. Wang biopsy
    • Find out if insurance will cover procedure - I think it does
    • Find out if insurance will cover shingles vaccine - I think it does
  • Get 2020 officiating report for taxes
  • Listen to Google Tribe podcast
  • Listen to IF podcasts - almost finsihed
  • order a IGHSAU basketball officiating shirt
  • fix the green door.
  • Check gmail messages.
  • Have shin guards fixed somewhere?
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (12/30)
Apparently the first "new strain" case has been identified in Colorado in a 20-year old assisted living employee.  He has no travel history, so that means the new strain is obviously here, but we are just now detecting it.  I'm sure that's news our president is not interested in hearing.  
    • hospitalizations - 884
    • hospitalizations - 904
    • hospitalizations - 882
      • RI County - 10,890 positive cases; 207 deaths
      • 61284 - 175 reported positive cases
    • TODAY
      • RI County - 10,938 positive cases;  217 deaths
      • 61284 - 175 reported positive cases
Holy Spirit...
Help me have... 
    a pure heart, that I may see;
    a humble heart, that I may hear;
    a heart of love, that I may serve;
    a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit. 

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