Well, I went and got my COVID19 nasal swab test because I had to get one and test negative in order to proceed with the colonoscopy procedure on Tuesday. The nasal swab test isn't much fun, so it lived up to it's hype. Basically this long pliable q-tip gets inserted up your nose so far that you can taste it, which was interesting because people that contract the virus say they lose their sense of smell and taste. I'm not saying that the little swab feels like it's touching your brain, but it sure seems to go a long, long way. It's fairly quick, and their really isn't any pain associated with the procedure...it's just really uncomfortable and weird. So...I celebrated and went to Black Hawk State Park and got in a nice walk with the sticks, and then I hustled home to spend some time with the Harrison kids and Kenzie and Rhonda and Gigi because it was Christmas cookie day. Those dang kids are such a hoot. Brinley was in rare form, as she would get a cookie to decorate, and proceed to pretty much eat all the frosting and candies and sprinkles just about as fast as they made their way on the cookie. Brooklyn is older, so her efforts were a little more productive, but dang are those two cute. After the clan left for home, I took my mom back to Black Hawk State Park, so she could try our her walking sticks. We went on the sidewalk first, then a grassy area, and then we spend a little time on the trail too. She seemed to enjoy herself, and of course we had good conversation the entire time. The sticks take a little time to get used too, but she got the hang of them and enjoyed herself. Then it was back home to watch my Fighting Irish get their butts kicked by Clemson, which may end up kicking them out of the football playoffs, but why should they get in if they just demonstrated that they really couldn't compete with Clemson. I'm not saying anyone else will either except maybe Alabama, but perhaps other teams deserve the shot. I think it would be different if yesterday's game was close, but it wasn't. Then Amber and I watched a movie and a half of the Hallmark Channel. We decided we were tired about midway through the second film, so we decided to watch the rest in bed, but we soon were asleep. I wonder if the story ended the way I thought it would.
Things to do for school
- determine weakness areas in Khan Grammar Tests
- score and enter E.B. White Grades
- Daily
- edit today's agenda on the Stream with recorded class session
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades
- TUES - schedule FRW assignment for Wed.
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- Listen to Google Tribe podcast
- Listen to IF podcasts
- order a IGHSAU basketball officiating shirt
- Dec. 17 - 6:00 p.m. at DeWitt (freshman)
- Dec. 22 - noon colonoscopy (prep on Dec. 21)
- start prepping 8 p.m. on Dec. 21 - follow directions
- COVID test on Dec. 19 - 6 a.m. - take order with me...
- Jan. 8 - 8:30 a.m. Dr. Wang biopsy
- Find out if insurance will cover procedure - I think it does
- Find out if insurance will cover shingles vaccine - I think it does
- Fix the green door.
- Check gmail messages.
- Have shin guards fixed somewhere?
- hospitalizations - 1,063
- hospitalizations - 1,023
- hospitalizations - 1,000
- RI County - 10,255 positive cases; 186 deaths
- 61284 - 168 reported positive cases
- RI County - 10,341positive cases; 187 deaths
- 61284 - 170 reported positive cases
a humble heart, that I may hear;
a heart of love, that I may serve;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit.
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