
Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday, December 7

6:12 a.m. - The weekend is over...dang it.  Two full weeks left and then a couple of days.  After November, going for almost a month straight after having a student teacher is almost a life adjustment, but I feel like I'm in the"swing of things".  I'm trying to keep lessons and activities light at school but still meaningful.  There are still way too many failing grades, but those grades have been earned, and the situation isn't unique to me or our school district.  I have a basketball game to work which will be nice, and the even nicer thing is that it's a Friday night sophomore game with Mr. Jason Danner.  It will be nice to meet up with him, so I hope he is still planning on driving up to work the game.  This week is also Mrs. Mitola's last week, even though I think she's coming back to sub in the building for me on the 15th and then again on the 21st and 22nd.  Today in class we are going to experiment with a socratic seminar, which will be challenging.  I think I'm going to go with a horseshoe arrangement with a laptop camera at the front so the virtual people can see the in-person people, or I could have everyone get on the Google Meet and then present, but that would be even more challenging I think.  We'll tinker around and figure something out.

Things to do for school
  • send another check to IEA
  • enter self-evaluation scores to Walden questions
  • finish 7th period socratic seminar scores
  • Daily
    • add a Google Meets recording of the day's lesson and add to the day's stream
    • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
    • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed
    • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • respond to student/parent emails and update grades
    • TUES - schedule FRW assignment for Wed.

Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future

  • Get W9 to DeWitt
  • order a IGHSAU basketball officiating shirt
  • Dec. 8 - 1:30 Fidelity appointment virtual
  • Dec. 11 at Muscatine 6 p.m. f/s girls
  • Dec. 15 - 8:00 a.m. dentist appointment
    • at DeWitt 7:30 v girls
    • purchase items for colonoscopy
  • Dec. 17 - 7:30 p.m. at Assumption v girls
  • Dec. 22 - noon colonoscopy (prep on Dec. 21)
    • start prepping 8 p.m. on Dec. 21 - follow directions
    • COVID test on Dec. 19 - 6 a.m. - take order with me...
  • Jan. 8 - 8:30 a.m. Dr. Wang biopsy
    • Find out if insurance will cover procedure - I think it does
    • Find out if insurance will cover shingles vaccine - I think it does
  • Fix the green door.
  • Check gmail messages.
  • Have shin guards fixed somewhere?
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (12/7)
    • hospitalizations - 1,134
    • hospitalizations - 1,103
    • hospitalizations - 1,123
      • RI County - 9,191 positive cases; 151 deaths
      • 61284 - 154 reported positive cases
    • TODAY
      • RI County - 9,314 positive cases;  151 deaths
      • 61284 -  157 reported positive cases
Holy Spirit...
Help me have... 
    a pure heart, that I may see;
    a humble heart, that I may hear;
    a heart of love, that I may serve;
    a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit. 

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