
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Saturday, December 12

7:28 - It's snowing!  And it's REALLY snowing.  I can't wait to get out and try to exercise - walk, ski-walk, jog...something!  Last night, I officiated a sophomore girls game with my friend, and it was good to be back on the court. 

11:46 a.m. - The walk was BEAUTIFUL.  It was a little colder than I thought, and there was more snow that I thought, so the ski-walking poles were more like stabilizers than poles.  Once I got around the school and to the village streets, the wind wasn't as strong.  I know it sounds weird, but I not only like the scenery with the snow on the trees and bushes and everywhere, but I love the quiet of an early snowy morning; plus, I like to hear the crunch of the snow under my feet.  Then I came home and shoveled the driveway; the snow was heavy and wet, but that was good exercise.  I had a Lily moment, though, that made me sad.  I thought for a moment that I needed to remember to shovel off the back deck, but now we don't have Lily who needs to go out the back door to go potty.  I shoveled the back deck anyway, just in case Lily needed to come back down and potty on the deck.  Amber and I watched Shirley Clarke's funeral service on the computer, which was weird but everything in COVID is weird.  The ceremony was really wonderful, and there was a poem read that was called "The Dash" that I had never heard.  Man, that was a great poem.  Shirley would have approved of the service.  Then Amber made me clean showers - UGH.  I suppose I was overdue to get out the magic erasers and clean the showers, so I just got it done.

12:58 p.m. - I have discovered that I'm an idiot.  I finally figured out why I was confused so much as student answers, and now I realize that they are just copying the question into Google and pasting whatever pops up into their document.  Why didn't I realize this before, or is it just more prevalent now that everything is on a digital device?

Things to do for school

  • make lesson for Tuesday, Dec. 15 - sub day
  • look over S.R.'s paper
  • enter Proenneke-Thoreau comparison scores - DONE
  • send another check to IEA and check online roster
  • enter self-evaluation scores to Walden questions - DONE
  • Daily
    • add a Google Meets recording of the day's lesson and add to the day's stream
    • create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
    • add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed
    • score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
    • respond to student/parent emails and update grades
    • TUES - schedule FRW assignment for Wed.

Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future

  • order a IGHSAU basketball officiating shirt
  • Dec. 15 - 8:00 a.m. dentist appointment
    • purchase items for colonoscopy
  • Dec. 17 - 6:00 p.m. at DeWitt (freshman)
  • Dec. 22 - noon colonoscopy (prep on Dec. 21)
    • start prepping 8 p.m. on Dec. 21 - follow directions
    • COVID test on Dec. 19 - 6 a.m. - take order with me...
  • Jan. 8 - 8:30 a.m. Dr. Wang biopsy
    • Find out if insurance will cover procedure - I think it does
    • Find out if insurance will cover shingles vaccine - I think it does
  • Fix the green door.
  • Check gmail messages.
  • Have shin guards fixed somewhere?
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (12/12)
While media reports seem to indicate the Thanksgiving extra surge has arrived elsewhere, the same level of increase doesn't seem to be occurring in Illinois or in our immediate area.  That doesn't mean we are out of the woods, because we seem to always lag behind the coasts by a couple of weeks.  On the other hand, I heard last night that Iowa is going to return to allowing youth sports, which I don't think is a good idea, but I'm sure there is pressure to open things back up.  While I would welcome the opportunity to officiate more, I wish all the country would wait until after New Year's to ease restrictions.
    • hospitalizations - 1,081
    • hospitalizations - 1,081
    • hospitalizations - 1,072
      • RI County - 9,762 positive cases; 168 deaths
      • 61284 - 162 reported positive cases
    • TODAY
      • RI County - 9,805 positive cases;  170 deaths
      • 61284 -  162 reported positive cases
Holy Spirit...
Help me have... 
    a pure heart, that I may see;
    a humble heart, that I may hear;
    a heart of love, that I may serve;
    a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit. 

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