
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December 1 - 7th period

So last period, I envisioned what it might be like to pick say a pumpkin or Christmas tree in a vertically robotic farm, and the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a reality.  And I began to wonder how/when a "traditional farm" might turn into a retro-farm or antique-farm.  What if I don't want to pick my sweet corn from a hydroponic vertical robot farm?  What if I want to pick my own dang sweet corn from a field of dirt?  What if I'm okay getting my boots a little dusty, and what if I want to shuck the corn myself and smell that one of a kind smell of fresh sweet corn that comes from the good old Midwest?  

What about that Mr. Technology?  So what if these robotic vertical farms could do it more safely and cheaply and effectively?  Is it a good thing to connect with nature - to feel the dirt, to get scratched up from the leaves, to have to pick the little hairs out of the middle of the kernels on the cob?  What's next...vertical robotic fishing?  I just get into my self-driving GMC, and I drive down to the local Gander Mountain which now has vertical aquaponic farms and every 20 days the really big fish that are ready to be harvested appear in the bottom row of the farm.  I then get transported using a conveyor belt to my "secret spot", and I push a button that signals a robot to do my fishing for me...maybe it uses a net, maybe it uses a line and bait, but the robot saves me the trouble of getting my own bait or lure and perhaps getting all wet.

Oh my goodness, what would our transcendentalists thing about all of this?

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