7:32 a.m. - So the next COVID-19 vaccine is set to head out this week...that's good news. It seems that the Midwest is being spared a hard surge in cases since Thanksgiving, and with another vaccine becoming available, perhaps we can keep the stress on healthcare facilities at a minimum. Also in the news is the story about the Russians launching some type of massive cyber attack on the United States. If the pandemic wasn't enough, now those silly Russians are after us. Plus, news is that President Trump is still looking for ways to retain himself as president...geez, the inauguration of President-Elect Biden can't get here fast enough. In other political news, Congress apparently is going to approve a 900 billion dollar relief bill that's going to include direct payments to people. Another $600 isn't going to make up for the officiating I've lost this year, but it was $600 I didn't have before. Today, the weather is going to warm up a little, so I'm probably going to do some exercising again...I think it may be Loud Thunder today, especially if the sun comes out. I want to try the bridal path out and see if I can avoid the deer hunters. I may also try to get some running in. I'm sure the Bears are playing today, but watching them is so disturbing. Yes, they beat a bad team last week, and yes they are still mathematically not eliminated from the playoffs, but geez they are not very good. By the way, Carmen finished up her student teaching and officially graduated from WIU; she's going to be an amazing teacher...much better than her father ever was.
Things to do for school
- determine weakness areas in Khan Grammar Tests
- score and enter E.B. White Grades
- Daily
- edit today's agenda on the Stream with recorded class session
- create the next day's agenda and schedule post to stream
- add assignments/activities/resources to Google Classroom as needed
- score assignments and record into Lumen as needed
- respond to student/parent emails and update grades
- TUES - schedule FRW assignment for Wed.
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- Get 2020 officiating report for taxes
- Listen to Google Tribe podcast
- Listen to IF podcasts
- order a IGHSAU basketball officiating shirt
- Dec. 17 - 6:00 p.m. at DeWitt (freshman)
- Dec. 22 - noon colonoscopy (prep on Dec. 21)
- start prepping 8 p.m. on Dec. 21 - follow directions
- COVID test on Dec. 19 - 6 a.m. - take order with me...
- Jan. 8 - 8:30 a.m. Dr. Wang biopsy
- Find out if insurance will cover procedure - I think it does
- Find out if insurance will cover shingles vaccine - I think it does
- Fix the green door.
- Check gmail messages.
- Have shin guards fixed somewhere?
- hospitalizations - 1,023
- hospitalizations - 1,000
- hospitalizations - 991
- RI County - 10,341 positive cases; 187 deaths
- 61284 - 170 reported positive cases
- RI County - 10,391 positive cases; 188 deaths
- 61284 - 170 reported positive cases
a humble heart, that I may hear;
a heart of love, that I may serve;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit.
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