Today, the weather is suppose to be great, so I'll be working on the yard and working on the pool. Amber turned the heater on yesterday, and I'm hearing that we will be having kids over. I may not be in the pool very much today, but hopefully I can take advantage of the weather.
6:10 p.m. - Today was an accomplishment day. I mowed the yard, sprayed weeds, vacuumed the pool, purchased chlorine, shocked the pool, cleaned up some drainage gravel, and fixed the downspout behind the kitchen. The Harrison girls were here, so I played with them awhile too. I started weed wacking the back 40 of the backyard, but there is still a lot of surface water, so I didn't get much accomplished.
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (5/2)
- Illinois Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- 269,867 tested (+13,200); 52,918 positive (+2,563); 2,355 deaths (+140)
- 19.6% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 284,688 tested (+14,791); 56,055 positive (+3,137); 2,457 deaths (+102)
- 19.6% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 299,896 tested (+15,208); 58,505 positive (+2,450); 2,559 deaths (+102)
- 19.5% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
- More tests are being completed each day., and the percentage of positive cases among all tests has gone again under 20%...good news.
- Rock Island County - YESTERDAY 389 positive; 9 deaths
- TODAY - 412 positive; 9 deaths
- Paint the shed.
- Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor.
- Fix the ditch.
- Figure out the truck spare tire.
- Continue scoring research papers - 3 sections down; 2 to go
- Finish course syllabus
Things For E-Learning
- Still can update EnvisonMe sites
Prayer for My Heart
Holy Spirit...
Help me have...
a pure heart, that I may see thee;a humble heart, that I may hear you;
a heart of love, that I may serve you;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in you.
- Amen
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