
Friday, May 15, 2020

2020 - E-Learning - Day 31

8:16 a.m. - My check from FedEx Ground was $300, which included a Sunday shift.  My heart hurts for the folks who work there that work that job and other part-time jobs to try to make all their "ends" meet.  OR even worse, folks who somehow try to live on just that part-time job.  I know I'm much older than many of the package handlers there, but my body hurts after every shift I finish - HURTS.  To think that all of that physical strain and pain pays $300 a week is even more painful on my brain.  I have a renewed message for students considering their post-secondary training paths.

Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (5/15)
  •  Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois. 
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
    • 471,691 tested (+29,266); 83,021 positive (+4,014);3,601 deaths (+142)
      • 17.6% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 489,359 tested (+1,677); 84,698 positive (+); 3,792 deaths (+191)
      • 17.3% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 538,602 tested (+49,243); 90,369 positive (+5,671); 4,058 deaths (+266)
      • 16.7% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • Results today showed % of overall positive results are continuing to decline as more and more testing increases.  The % of deaths remains the same.
    • YESTERDAY -  538 positive; 17 deaths
      • TODAY - 563 positive; 18 deaths
    Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
    • Weed and feed the front yard.
    • Paint the shed.
    • Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor.
    • Fix the ditch.
    • Figure out the truck spare tire.
    • Organize the west wall of the garage.
    • Complete IHSA registering by July 31
    Things At/For School
    Things For E-Learning
    • Still can update EnvisonMe sites
    Prayer for My Heart
    Holy Spirit...
    Help me have... 
        a pure heart, that I may see thee;
        a humble heart, that I may hear you;
        a heart of love, that I may serve you;
        a heart of faith, that I may abide in you.
    • Amen

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