
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

2020 - E-Learning - Day 29

3:42 p.m. - Another quiet day inside...another crummy weather day outside...and my FedEx Ground workout doesn't begin until 4:30 p.m.  I did finish my book, and I started back in on another book I was reading for "free read Wednesdays" with the students.  A handful of missing assignments were submitted, but I take care of those tomorrow.  I'm hoping some improved weather and the end of the school year break up this recent cycle of days.  Oh, I did sit in on a Bible study with Pastor Paul and two other ladies today, so that was nice.  The theme of the study was "hope", so it was good having a discussion, although there was more just sharing than really discussing.

Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (5/13)
When I now watch the news, the forecasts for deaths continues to climb as more and more states ease social distancing restrictions.  President Trump sends out tweets urging citizens in certain states to defend their freedoms.  Meanwhile, scary stories are emerging about how Covid 19 is more than just pneumonia in older and at-risk people.  Here are a couple of items from a story on this morning.
"Obviously, every single organ in your body is fed by blood vessels, so if the virus affects your blood vessels, then you can have organ damage,"..."It is a very confusing picture. It's going to take time to understand..."
Huh?  We are pushing and pushing to re-open, and medical people are saying "it's going to take time to understand..."  So we are now wearing masks and the healthcare system is better prepared to handle the illness and number of deaths.  What's not changing is the spread of the virus and people dying, and while the greatest risk seems to still be older folks with underlying existing health problems, people of all ages and all health levels can be affected.
  •  Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois. 
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
    • 442,425 tested (+12,441); 79,007 positive (+1,266); 3,459 deaths (53)
      • 17.8% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 471,691 tested (+29,266); 83,021 positive (+4,014);3,601 deaths (+142)
      • 17.6% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 489,359 tested (+17,688); 84,698 positive (+1,677); 3,792 deaths (+191)
      • 17.3% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
      • Results today showed 
      • YESTERDAY -  530 positive; 17 deaths
        • TODAY - 538 positive; 17 deaths
      Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
      • Weed and feed the front yard.
      • Paint the shed.
      • Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor.
      • Fix the ditch.
      • Figure out the truck spare tire.
      • Organize the west wall of the garage.
      • Complete IHSA registering by July 31
      Things At/For School
      Things For E-Learning
      • Still can update EnvisonMe sites
      Prayer for My Heart
      Holy Spirit...
      Help me have... 
          a pure heart, that I may see thee;
          a humble heart, that I may hear you;
          a heart of love, that I may serve you;
          a heart of faith, that I may abide in you.
      • Amen

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