
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Saturday, May 16

6:50 a.m. - So we are headed to Dixon, Missouri today for my brother's wedding.  It's a long drive there and a long drive back, but I'll be sitting...which is good and bad.  I won't be loading packages, but I may be sitting and getting stiff and cramped.  I've decided that even though working at FedEx Ground is financially wonderful - a week there doesn't even pay the Mediacom bill - I am getting paid to workout, which is helping me lose weight again.  In fact, this morning featured a weight of 211.2 pounds, which is a record over the previous record, which was 211.8 back in February.   I started FedEx Ground on 4/29, and since then I've lost about eight pounds.  When I get to 210, it will be 50 pounds lost, and maybe I'll get there by the end of next week.

I need to have a good "lawncare" day tomorrow, and it looks like weather is going to cooperate this coming week.  I can get some lawncare things done and maybe start back on the pool and spend some time in the pool, as temps look like their are going to reach the high 70''s and maybe 80's by the weekend.

Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (5/16)
  •  Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois. 
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
    • 489,359 tested (+1,677); 84,698 positive (+); 3,792 deaths (+191)
      • 17.3% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 538,602 tested (+49,243); 90,369 positive (+5,671); 4,058 deaths (+266)
      • 16.7% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • 561,469 tested (+23,047); 92,457 positive (+2,088); 4,129 deaths (+71)
      • 16.4% of all tests recorded have tested positive
      • 4.4% of all positive cases recorded have died
    • Results today showed continued progress on percentage of tests recorded positive, and the percentage of deaths remains the same.
    • YESTERDAY -  563 positive; 18 deaths
      • TODAY - 570 positive; 18 deaths
    Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
    • Weed and feed the front yard.
    • Paint the shed.
    • Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor.
    • Fix the ditch.
    • Figure out the truck spare tire.
    • Organize the west wall of the garage.
    • Complete IHSA registering by July 31
    Things At/For School
    Things For E-Learning
    • Still can update EnvisonMe sites
    Prayer for My Heart
    Holy Spirit...
    Help me have... 
        a pure heart, that I may see thee;
        a humble heart, that I may hear you;
        a heart of love, that I may serve you;
        a heart of faith, that I may abide in you.
    • Amen

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