6:15 a.m. Last night the FedEx shift went better. I tried to take a "less friendly" approach, which seems opposite the norm, but I just tried to stay quiet, follow directions, and do my job. I did get near the end of a trailer yesterday for the first time and discovered why many packages I receive appear crushed. As the trailer is nearly filled, the chute is closed off, and the pressure of the packages tends to damage the boxes. That seems a little weird since our trainer has been trying to train us to care for the packages - don't throw them or kick them.
I received a message from my oldest son that he was released from jail. He told me his mother picked him up, and he stopped at Casey's for some "tall boys and a pack of cigarettes". He then went to a friend's house and played pool. He expressed how he now needed to work on a "plan of action."
I find myself a little confused. He's a recovering substance abuse addict, and he's just released without any real planned approach to re-entry into society. What are the chances of that being successful? I will continue to hope and pray that he makes healthy and positive decisions.
The weather is not really cooperating....the temperatures are below average and are predicted to remain below average for at least another week. These temps aren't exactly gardening or pool temps.
4:18 p.m. - It's almost time to head to my afternoon FedEx workout, but I have a few minutes to jot down some ideas. I finished off the research papers, so I've done my job, even though I fear that my work and comments will be relegated to just looking at the final result. The research papers really need a lot of work, but it's impractical to try to do it during this e-learning period. I just hope what I tried to accomplish this time will help in the future.
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (5/6)
The Federal Covid 19 Task Force is being disassembled. Huh? Positive cases are still increasing, even though the rate is flattening. The amount of deaths is also increasing beyond the earlier model predictions. One of the main doctors on the task force is not being allowed to testify to congressional committees. So if we just ease stay-at-home restrictions, do away with the federal task force, and ignore the rising data, the states will be on their own, and all this will go away, right?
- Illinois Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- 333,147 tested (+13,834); 63,840 positive (+2,341); 2,662 deaths (+44)
- 19.1% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.1% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 346,286 tested (+13,139); 65,962 positive (+2,122); 2,838 deaths (176)
- 19.0% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
- 361,260 tested (+14,974); 68,232 positive (+2,270); 2,974 deaths (+136)
- 18.8% of all tests recorded have tested positive
- 4.3% of all positive cases recorded have died
- Results today showed...percentage of positive cases is declining, while the percentage of deaths remains steady. Numbers are going the right direction...I get the feeling if we could have put off easing restrictions around the country for another month we may have really made some progress, but opening up now isn't going to be good for people even though the healthcare system may now be better prepared.
- Rock Island County - YESTERDAY 454 positive; 12 deaths
- TODAY - 465 positive; 14 deaths
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- TOMORROW - Zoom Bible study 8 a.m.
- Paint the shed.
- Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor.
- Fix the ditch.
- Figure out the truck spare tire.
- Organize the west wall of the garage.
- Complete IHSA concussion test. DONE
- Complete IHSA registering.
Things At/For School
- Friday, May 10 - 10:30 a.m. - Staff Meeting
- Get textbook number for Cobin Hofmann and fill in sheet
- Continue scoring research papers - 7 scores left for 7th period. DONE
- Finish course syllabus
Things For E-Learning
- Still can update EnvisonMe sites
Prayer for My Heart
Holy Spirit...
Help me have...
a pure heart, that I may see thee;
a humble heart, that I may hear you;
a heart of love, that I may serve you;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in you.