5:55 a.m. - Last night, I went to the RHS Drama Department's performance of The Mouse that Roared. It was fun to see students perform, many students I taught last year or this year. I'm always surprised how some students are so quiet in class yet so different on stage. I am glad that I did a little research on the play because our sound and lighting systems are not good in the auditorium.
Today is a Free Read Wednesday, and then tomorrow there is no school. School was canceled for tomorrow due to the boys basketball team at the state finals. Last year the same thing happened, and Amber and I went. This year I'm not going through that again. It was just too much. I feel a little guilty not going and supporting the team, but it was literally dangerous for us to drive home that late last year, and then getting up and going to school after only a few hours sleep was awful. Perhaps if the IHSA changes its state finals format, we will try again to go. Plus, our seats last year were awful. It was neat to see the State Farm Center because I hadn't been there since all the renovations, but I will see the game better on television. Depending on Amber's schedule and the weather, I may go into the Vibrant Arena and watch the MVC women's basketball tournament in the afternoon. If the weather looks like snow, though, it just may end up being a snow day.
Today there is a send-off for the boys during learning lab, so the students will be a bit squirrely. After yesterday's blood drive day, basically this whole week has been and will be a mess, and then we are into spring break.
It's Wednesday, and I've been trying to stay away from my meloxocam prescription and coffee. I was experiencing a bad headache on Sunday, and Monday wasn't so good either. Yesterday was better and today I seem to be okay. I can definitely feel the lack of the medication to keep the joint pain away, but the pain isn't terrible. Hopefully I can strength train, exercise, and lose a little weight that I'm needing to lose...okay maybe it's not just a little...maybe it's like 40 lbs., but I'm going to start thinking "little" in my brain and see if I can see some results.
Things to do for school
- send out English III update to parents - training path series info
- review essays that have been revised and/or submitted
- post scores to Oval Portrait Assignment
- look at Liv Q revised essay
- work on research paper prompt
- Write an argument in which you select an historical figure you have encountered so far in English III or U.S. History that would prove to be an effective leader for the United States in 2023. In your argument include research of relevant background information of your selected individual, as well as her/his effective leadership traits (and if you believe those traits would translate to today's modern challenges).
Things to do
- pay Northwestern bill and drop in mailbox
- QCOA Banquet - Wednesday, March 15 5 p.m. The Precinct Bar and Grill 1107 Mound Street, Davenport Iowa
- put away basketball officiating stuff
- break out softball umpiring stuff
- receive mileage payment from IHSA ...few weeks
- make sure I'm paid for Rockridge basketball game
- Saturday, April 22nd - Mick Louck retirement Aledo VFW 2-5 p.m.
29 - IHSA 1A/2A supersectional & IHSA 3A/4A sectionals
June 2-3 - IHSA 1A/2A state finals
June 5 - IHSA 3A/4A supersectional
June 9-10 - IHSA 3A/4A state finals
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