
Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday, March 16

8:18 a.m. -  No grandchildren, no granddogs...just a quiet, simple morning.  I love the grandchildren; I enjoy dogs.  A quiet, simple morning, though, is nice too.  

I do need to start thinking about next week, though.  So I did send out emails to the training path presenters scheduled for next week, and I did create a lesson plan and post it for next Monday.

Yesterday I went to see Carmen.  I did it last year during my spring break, so I decided to do it this year.  I visited her while she was teaching at West Central.  She is doing a great job, as West Central isn't the easiest of places to be.  I was able to view an English II class and her yearbook class.  And that Carmen actually showed me an idea about Fahrenheit 451 that I've never considered - she was using a graphic novel with the story, and I've never done that.  I think I'm going to check into costs.

Then last night Tucker, Marcus, and I went to the QCOA banquet.  QCOA is the Quad Cities Officials Association.  I have mixed feelings about this group, but I went to the meeting, and I paid my dues, and I mingled with the "movers and shakers" of the officials in the Quad Cities.  We sat with Braeden and Randy, and we had some laughs and good social time.

Today I'm going to try to meet up with Chase and have lunch.  Then tonight it's a date night at the casino with Amber.

Things to do for school

  • Make lesson plan and post for March 20 
  • contact training path presenters
  • confirmation received - Miller, Eaker, Schaefer, McKnight, Daly
  • Figure out Muscatine CC rep
  • post lesson plans for Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri next week
  • check into costs of Fahrenheit 451 graphic novels
  • work on research paper prompt
    • Write an argument in which you select an historical figure you have encountered so far in English III or U.S. History that would prove to be an effective leader for the United States in 2023. In your argument include research of relevant background information of your selected individual, as well as her/his effective leadership traits (and if you believe those traits would translate to today's modern challenges).

Things to do

  • Get NCAA brackets to Jeff H.
  • QCOA Banquet - Wednesday, March 15 5 p.m. The Precinct Bar and Grill 1107 Mound Street, Davenport Iowa
  • finalize that Costa JH girls date with Shawn
  • receive mileage payment from IHSA ...few weeks
  • Saturday, April 22nd - Mick Louck retirement Aledo VFW 2-5 p.m.
20 - at Sherrard with Pete - var vs. Kewanee
21 - at MerCo with Jason - var/fs vs. MonRose
22 - at MonRose with ? - var/fs vs. Galva
23 - at Orion with Pete - var/fs vs. MerCo
24-25-26 - weekend
27 - at MonRose with Jason - var/fs vs. Riverdale
28 - at ATown - with??? var/fs???
29 - at United - with Jason - var/fs vs. MonRose
30 - at Riverdale - with Doug - var/fs vs. MonRose
Mar 31, April 1, April 2 - weekend - LOUD THUNDER?


3 - at Kewanee - with Brett Stevens - var vs. ROWVA
4 - at Annawan - with??? - var/fs????
5 - at Galesburg - with Ron Grant - var/fs with Knoxville
6 - OPEN
11 - Cole's Birthday -- at Alleman - with Lloyd - var/fs with Quincy
12 - OPEN
13 - at MonRose - with Jason - var/f/s with Erie-Prophetstown
14-15-16 - weekend
17 - at Sherrard - with Chuck Schuette - var vs. Erie-Prophetstown
18 - at United with Jason - var/fs vs. Annawan-Wethersfield
19 - at Annawan - with??? - var/fs???
20 - at Moline with Pete - var vs. Sterling
21-22-23 - weekend  - 23 - Carmen and Tyler's Anniversary
24 - at Riverdale - with Steve V. - var vs. Sherrard
25 - at West Central - with Leah - var vs. Galva
26 - at Sherrard - with Doug - var/fs vs. Alleman
27 - at Merco - with Jason - var/fs vs. Stark County
28-29-30 - weekend

1 - at Orion - with Lennie - var/fs vs. MonRose
2 - OPEN
3 - at AlWood - with Jason - var/fs vs. Sherrard
4 - at MonRose - with Jason - var/fs vs. Orion
5-6-7 - weekend
8 - at Annawan - with??? - var/fs???
9 - at Geneseo - with Lloyd - var vs. Rock Island
10 - at Kewanee - with Jason - var vs. Rock Island
11 - at Merco - with Cahill - var/fs vs. Annawan-Wethersfield
12-13-14 - weekend
15 - IHSA 1A/2A regionals

22 - IHSA 1A/2A sectionals & IHSA 3A/4A regionals
29 - IHSA 1A/2A supersectional & IHSA 3A/4A sectionals
June 2-3 - IHSA 1A/2A state finals
June 5 - IHSA 3A/4A supersectional
June 9-10 - IHSA 3A/4A

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