6:10 a.m. - It's going to be a short post. Brooklyn Rae just woke up and is with me now. Yesterday went fine. The first basketball game was okay. Today the students will be working while I'm circulating. We'll see how it goes.
3:02 p.m. update - Today has been a productive one. I really like the additional time I have during the day to do a better job with the courses and students I'm working with. After school I'm off to Knoxville for another junior high girls' basketball game. The good news is that I still have the same partner as last night, so that's good.
Things to do for school
- send college board/khan message to science and social science and math teachers
- enter scores for English III homework quizzes
- score FRW and Podcast Wed slips and enter into Lumen
- post agendas for Eng III and Pub Spk for tomorrow Friday
- look into a new textbook for English III
- Sept. 23 noon - Reid
- Sept. 30 - next EN101 check in day
Things to do
- get partners for Nov. 11 & 18 scrimmages at MonRose
- Tad, Shawn, Robbie (11); Marcus, me, Tucker (18)
- Friday, November 18 - 9:30 a.m.
- clean the pool
- Water damage to camper - and have brakes inspected and bearings repacked
- J&J Camper - (309) 792-2795
- Quad Cities Camper Services - (309) 797-4390
22 - JHGBK at Knoxville 5:30 p.m.
23-24-25 - Amber watching Southwells - Carmen and Tyler staying Saturday night.
5 - JHGBK at Merco with Shawn 5:30?
11 - VB at North Scott FR - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers
12 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
13 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
14-15-16 - OPEN WEEKEND - camping in Darlington with Shawn!
17 - VB at Sherrard with Braeden - 5 p.m.
18 - VB at Erie with Braeden - 5 p.m.
19 - OPEN
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