6:51 a.m. - After Tucker and Rosie left, I mowed the yard. A little later in the day, Carmen and Tyler arrived, and we decided to go to Golden Corral for supper. We picked up Mom at her house on the way, and we had a nice dinner - I hadn't been there for awhile. After returning home, we watch Top Gun Maverick and then went to bed.
Today Carmen and Tyler will head to their church service in Viola, and I think Amber and I are heading to our service in Reynolds. I'd really like to get the pool cleaned today, but it's supposed to get windy, so I may not get that done. Other than that, I'd like to get in some exercise, and I need to enter some scores for schoolwork. Today should be a pretty simple, quiet day.
Things to do for school
- record scores for Byrd Google Form exercise
- record Khan Modifiers scores
- look into a new textbook for English III
- Oct. 3 - next EN101 check in day
Things to do
- get partners for Nov. 11 & 18 scrimmages at MonRose
- Tad, Shawn, Robbie (11); Marcus, me, Tucker (18)
- Friday, November 18 - 9:30 a.m.
- clean the pool
- Water damage to camper - and have brakes inspected and bearings repacked
- J&J Camper - (309) 792-2795
- Quad Cities Camper Services - (309) 797-4390
26 - Carmen's Birthday - JHGBK at MerCo - 5:30 with Kale
27 - VB at MerCo HS - 6 p.m. with Ray Sykes
28 - VB at Washington JH - 4 p.m. with Bill Weimers
29 - JHGB at Galesburg HIGH SCHOOL - 5 p.m. with Marcus
30, 10/1, 10/2 - OPEN WEEKEND
5 - JHGBK at Merco with Shawn 5:30?
11 - VB at North Scott FR - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers
12 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
13 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
14-15-16 - OPEN WEEKEND - camping in Darlington with Shawn!
17 - VB at Sherrard with Braeden - 5 p.m.
18 - VB at Erie with Braeden - 5 p.m.
19 - OPEN
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