5:46 a.m. - November is here; October is gone. I survived yesterday's inservice, but barely. I did learn that RHS is classified as an exemplary school; I wonder if that will come with a bonus in my next paycheck...I'm guessing not. After the school day, I was lazy. I pretty much watched too much television and ate too much food. That won't be the case tonight and tomorrow night as the 2023 parent-teacher conferences have arrived. I do get a few here and there throughout the two nights, but I don't get many. Heck, I don't even get many parent requests to just send an email summary of my thoughts. I do try to keep the students informed with almost weekly emails, but I don't hear back from those a whole lot. I guess perhaps that not much parental feedback either means that they don't care enough or are satisfied.
So today is a 1:30 dismissal day, and it's a presentation day. We'll get through it. Time doesn't stand still, for good or for worse.
On the international front, the Israel vs. Hamas war is getting ugly. The Palestinians that are neither connected to Hamas nor citizens of Israel are caught in the crossfire. In the meantime international pressure is building on Israel for its retaliation of the terrorist even by Hamas on October 7. And now the "spin" from some Americans and other world folks is that if you denounce Israel, you are supporting Hamas and it's terrorist event. I don't think that's what most people are saying. I think most people are denouncing Hamas and now denouncing Israel's response...meanwhile, millions of innocent people are caught in the battle and cannot get out. So now more people are just going to suffer and more other people are just going to get angrier. It's a keg of uck that is just boiling and boiling. In the meantime, the Ukraine vs. Russia conflict lingers on. And last night on Fox News Sean Hannity just wanted to continue to hammer on the crisis situation at the United States and Mexican border - spewing out negative information and exaggerated assertions that the people coming into America illegally are just terrorists that will one day soon execute another major terrorist activity in the United States. And of course for credibility and evidence support, he brings on his show his regular Republican cronies like Marco Rubio and Josh Hawley to let them spew there crap. And then he throws in Nikki Haley who should be standing on her own but can't resist to ride the wave of negative spew, so she can appeal to all the extreme Fox News audience members. In addition the Democrats in the House of Representatives are now seeing what the newly elected quiet Speaker of the House is going to be like, and they aren't liking that.
Geez...we have a big ball of mess right now on the national and international scene. I think I need to break the camper back out, quit my job, and find a nice campground in warm weather somewhere.
Things for School
- Teagan - last week Khan 36 exercises; 9 unit test
- Check on Woekner last week's Khan
- English III & Advanced English III syllabus project - to Mrs. Hasson by Nov. 30
- Public Speaking syllabus project - to Mrs. Hasson by Nov. 30
- Record Byrd presentations and enter scores.
- Remember Coke/Pepsi for PT Conferences
- Enter scores for Khan Academy (conjunctions and prepositions)
- Post next set of exercises for Week of Nov. 6
- Lesson plan for Monday, November 6
Things to do
- $20 - QCOA927 W60th StreetDavenport, IA52806-2810
- Rocky Jones
- put dryer sheets in camper
- pick up pool motor when in
- read through basketball new rules
- Take down plug in air freshner on Nov. 10
- Nov. 11 - Carmen and Tyler visit
- Dec. 6 - 8:30 Wang - physical
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