
Sunday, November 5, 2023

Sunday, November 5

6:04 a.m. - Yesterday was an eventful day.  First, we had the Harrison grandchildren overnight.  Then, Carmen and Tyler arrived around 7 a.m. to visit because they were in town visiting, and I had to leave to work some basketball games.  Then I went to drive to my basketball games, but the car wouldn't start.  Because of that, I threw my stuff in my truck, and off we went to Annawan to work three junior high girls games.  I wish the pay would have been more, but work with Pat Berlin was fun.  On my way home, I stopped and went to fill up the truck with gas and do some shopping at WalMart - and there went the paycheck I had just worked for.  I decided to stop at Culver's and get some lunch before arriving back home to figure out the car.  On my way home, I listened to the Rockridge football game, and that wasn't going so good.  They ended up losing to what sounded like a very good Seneca team.  After arriving home, I did figure out the car, I think.  The battery was dead, as I think I left the lights on the night before, but I don't know how.  Apparently the lock has some sort of electronic ignition, because the dead battery caused the key to become stuck.  That was an easy fix, but now I hope the battery is okay.  I'll try it again today.  Amber needed to go to Aldi's, so I went with her.  Culver's was next to Aldi's, and she wanted supper, so I did Culver's again - a fish dinner this time.  Then it was home and into the hot tub while playing Christmas music.  That was fun, but then the hot tub was giving me some error codes.  So I changed the filter and refilled the tabs, and I think that did the trick.  I'll check again this morning.  After that, I watched the Hallmark Channel, and it was a good one.  Then I tried to stay up a little later and watch some football because of the time change.  I didn't have a great night's sleep, but that's okay.

Today, I'd like to mow the yard.  The weather is going to cooperate I think.  And tonight, I believe we have a birthday party for Makenzie.

It's been a busy weekend...maybe things will slow down when it's back to work tomorrow.  On the other hand, junior high basketball officiating is going to pick up.

Things for School

  • Record Byrd presentations and enter scores
    • Still have some 7th period files to score from Friday.

Things to do

  • $20 - QCOA
    927 W60th Street
    Davenport, IA
  • Rocky Jones
  • put dryer sheets in camper
  • pick up pool motor when in
  • read through basketball new rules
  • Take down plug in air freshner on Nov. 10
  • Nov. 11 - Carmen and Tyler visit
  • Dec. 6 - 8:30 Wang - physical

6 - at Sherrard JH girls - 5:30 with Tony 

   Jay and Tony drive separately

7 - OPEN

8 - at Mercer County JH girls - 5:30 with Shawn

     SHAWN drives - Jay and Shawn leave from Shawn’s house after bus route

9 - at Washington JH boys - 4:00 p.m. with Sergio

     Jay and Sergio drive seperately

10 - at MonRose HS girls scrimmage at 5:30 with Marcus and Tad

      MARCUS drives - Jay meets Marcus at his house at 4:00 ish

11 - at Mercer County JH girls IESA 7th Grade Regional in JOY  - 10 a.m. with Shawn - 3 games

      JAY drives - pick up Shawn at Shawn’s at 8:45 a.m.

6 - JHGBK - at Sherrard - 5:30 p.m. with Tony
8 - JHGBK - at MerCo - 5:30 p.m. with Shawn
9 - JHBBK - at Washington - 4:00 p.m. with Sergio
10 - GBK scrimmage at MonRose  5:30 p.m.
11 - JHGBK - 7th Grade IESA at Joy - 10:30 a.m. - 3 games with Shawn
13 - GBK - at AlWood - 6 p.m. with Tony and Shawn
14 - JHBBK - at Edison - 4 p.m. with Bill Weimers
15 - GBK - at Geneseo - 6 p.m. with Robbie and Tad
16 - GBK - at Geneseo - 6 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
17 - BBK scrimmage at MonRose 5:30 p.m. with Robbie and Tony
18 - GBK - at ROWVA - 2:30 p.m. (2) with Tad and Wetzel
20 - BBK - at Williamsfield - 5 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
                - at Orion - 8:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
21 - GBK - at AlWood - 6 p.m. with Marcus and Tony
22 - BBK - at Wethersfield - 2 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
     - BBK - at Geneseo - 7:15 p.m. with Tad and Jason
24 - BBK - at Wethersfield Sophs - 9 a.m. with Marcus and Shawn
        BBK - at Geneseo - 4:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
25 - GBK - at Galesburg - 12:30 p.m. with Marcus and Amanda Kochis
        BBK - at Orion - 4:30 p.m. with Marcus and Scott Reed
26 - SUNDAY - Promotion Effort at Shawn's room 1 p.m.
27 - GBK - at Morrison - 5:30 p.m. with Dubois and Steinhauser
28 - BBK - at MerCo - 5:30 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
29 - GBK - at Knoxville - 6:00 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn
30 - GBK - at West Central - 6:00 p.m. with Marcus and Shawn

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