6:39 a.m. - It's back to officiating/umpiring season today - a little junior high softball game at Mercer County. I can't say that I'm thrilled; I can't say that I'm disappointed. I do need to get some things done around the house, and I would really like that pool filter motor to work. I was supposed to visit with Chase today, but that appointment was canceled. Chase is officially in "bored mode", and he's entering the stage of his incarceration where he will be wanting to be released. He won't say that in our conversations - he'll play it off like jail isn't bad because he has television and a room and a shower. That's all a front, though. He's come down off of the drugs...he's basically dried out, but now he'll be ready to be released. Only this time, I'm not sure he's going to be released anytime soon. His court date is August 15th, and he'll get increasingly nervous about what is going to happen next. Again, his pride will attempt to play it off - he's already told me that he doesn't thing prison time will be all that bad - that, in fact, it will be better than jail time. I just sent him an email that he won't want to read; the email is meant to be encouraging, but he'll likely get angry and upset with me like past times. I believe, though, that he understands the message I'm trying to give him is accurate. Life of sobriety just looks so hard to him - that's my guess. And my guess is that he's unsure he can do it. I hope and pray that somehow and some way, he makes a genuine decision to want to try.
2:11 p.m. update - The pool motor still isn't running; that's the bad news. I did get the yard mowed and the new lock mechanism on the bike carrier, which is good news. Oh, and I also trimmed up the bushes even though I still need to rake up the clippings. I got a letter from Chase...I think sometimes that boy is going to do whatever he can to be defiant just to be defiant because defiant is out of the norm and he sees norm as bad. Unfortunately norm usually keeps people out of jail and "beyond norm" increases the chance of being in jail.
3:01 p.m. update - The pool motor is running...thank God! I will either work on vacuuming the pool tonight when I get back from my game, or I will do it first thing in the morning.
9:48 p.m. update - The junior high game tonight was very long. I came home and worked on the pool - vacuumed and added chlorine and clarifier. Tomorrow morning I need to get to Shawn's and then load the bikes in the truck, which means I need to move the Andersen hitch out and then move my Malone bike rack from the camper to the truck and then load the two bikes and child carrier. The cap of the night was getting a collect call from Chase from jail. He then proceeded to be his usual argumentative self with virtually everything I tried to say...eventually the phone call ended...not sure if he hung up or time ran out. Nothing like getting a collect call from your son in jail who thinks he does nothing wrong and just needs everyone else to understand and appreciate him better. I'll probably need to do some reading to calm down my emotions from that one.
I am going to try something to help lose weight...track what I eat with pictures. I had the stuffed chicken breasts, two tomatoes, and a cucumber for lunch. Then because I needed some sugar to survive the night, I got a Pepsi and Snickers. When I got home, Amber and Tucker had made microwave popcorn, so I ate that before working on the pool.
Things to do
- check on Shawn's place - morning and night until next Saturday
- mow the yard
- trim the bushes that need a little trim
- rake up bush clippings and pick up dead weed grass in the ditch
- vacuum the pool
- Iowa volleyball rules meeting and test
- Illinois volleyball rules meeting and test - available 8-9-22
- Attempt to complete IHSA volleyball officiating promotion
- Make reservations for Wilson Lake campground Sept 16-17-18…avoid sites 4 & 5
- check on work needed to be done for water damage
- and have brakes inspected and bearings repacked
- J&J Camper - (309) 792-2795
- 1501 IL-5, East Moline, IL 61244
- send pics to service@jjcamper.com (Jason) (7/25/22)
- received response today 7/26 - $8,000-$10,000 estimate
- Quad Cities Camper Services - (309) 797-4390
- 5443 3rd Ave, Moline, IL 61265
- left a voicemail (7/25/22) - still haven't received a response (7/27/22)
5 - JHGBK at Merco with Shawn 5:30?
11 - VB at North Scott FR - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers
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