
Monday, August 22, 2022

Monday, August 22

5:29 a.m. - Life starts to get busier this week; I'm glad I was able to mow the yard yesterday.  Tonight we have an open house event at school.  This is not a big deal, except I really don't want to be there until 8:30 at night.  It's nice to give parents and guardians an opportunity to visit, especially families that are new to the district.  And it's also nice for families to be able to see the renovated sections of the building.  

After tonight, it's a "full week".  I'm working two volleyball matches, and I'm working a junior high softball game - welcome to the 2022-23 school year.

Things to do for school

  • share results of NEprofile stuff
  • pick up 504 plans
  • review student profiles and send a response email
  • list for room - new flag and hanging clip, place to hang clock, pencil sharpener installed, two things cut off in northwest corner, shelving and yearbooks returned to closet, some type of small "bulletin board" to tack up items
  • get projector straight
  • collect journals from students
  • update sub folder 
  • and share digital textbooks
  • respond to ask a question
  • enter scores into Lumen for student profiles
  • enter scores into Lumen for ask a question
  • Aug 25 - Anne speaks with Dual Credit English students
  • Aug 26 - volleyball captain interviews - after school 

Things to do

  • put volleyball stuff in the car (figure out what fits?)
  • figure out pool heater problems - make a call to a technician - Amber called
  • Iowa volleyball rules meeting and test
  • Attempt to complete IHSA volleyball officiating promotion - 9/6-9/13
    • pass Part 2 exam
  • monitor water damage area in camper....possible restoration companies
    • and have brakes inspected and bearings repacked
    • J&J Camper - (309) 792-2795
      • 1501 IL-5, East Moline, IL 61244
      • sent pics to (Jason) (7/25/22)
      • received response today 7/26 - $8,000-$10,000 estimate
    • Quad Cities Camper Services - (309) 797-4390
      • 5443 3rd Ave, Moline, IL 61265
      • left a voicemail (7/25/22) - still haven't received a response (7/27/22)


    23 - VB at UTHS with Braeden - 5 p.m.
    24 - SB at RidgewoodJH - 4:30 with Jason
    25 - VB at Cambridge with Braeden 5 p.m.
    26-27-28 - OPEN WEEKEND - Rosalea's birthday party (would have to stay close)
        Aug. 28 - USSSA clinic 10 a.m.
    29 - SB at MerCoJH - 4:30 with Doug
    30 - VB at Riverdale with Braeden - 5 p.m.?
    31 - OPEN

    1 - at Geneseo FRVB - 5 p.m. with Pete
    2-3-4-5 - open Labor Day Weekend- Camping at Scott County Park - Bald Eagle
    6 - VBJV at Wilton 4:30 p.m. with ?
    7 - OPEN
    8 - VB at Riverdale - 5 p.m. with Braeden
    9-10-11 - camping Would have to be close
    220th Street, Donnellson, IA 52625 - avoid sites 4 & 5 - too small
    12 - VB at Bettendorf - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers
    13 - VB at Muscatine JH - 4 p.m. by myself?
    14 - VB at MonRose 5 p.m. with Braeden
    15 - VB at Kewanee with Braeden 5 p.m.
    16-17-18 - open weekend - maybe West Lake
    19 - VB at Wethersfield with Braeden 5 p.m. 
    20 - VB at Erie with Braeden 5 p.m.
    21 - JHGBK at Orion - 5:30
    22 - JHGBK at Knoxville 5:30 p.m.
    23-24-25 - Amber watching Southwells…have to stay close
    26 - Carmen's Birthday - JHGBK at MerCo with Marcus - ?  5:30 
    27 - VB at MerCo HS - 5 p.m. with Ray Sykes
    28 - VB at Washington JH - 4 p.m. with Bill Weimers
    29 - JHGB at Galesburg - 5 p.m.
    30, 10/1, 10/2 - OPEN WEEKEND

    3 - VB at Cambridge with Braeden 5 p.m.
    4 - VB at Kewanee with Braeden 5 p.m.
    5 - JHGBK at Merco with Shawn 5:30?
    7-8-9-10  - CAMPING AT Wilson Lake Campground
       reservation made - campsite 8

    11 - VB at North Scott FR - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers

    12 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
    13 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
    14-15-16 - OPEN WEEKEND - camping in Darlington with Shawn!
    17 - VB at Sherrard with Braeden - 5 p.m.
    18 - VB at Erie with Braeden - 5 p.m.
    19 - OPEN
    20 - OPEN
    21-22-23 - OPEN WEEKEND
    24 - OPEN - Volleyball Regionals volleyball season is over
    25 - OPEN
    26 - OPEN
    27 -  at Galesburg JH girls basketball 4:30 p.m.
    28-29-30 - OPEN -- Final Weekend of Camping -- Loud Thunder
    31 - OPEN

    1 - OPEN
    2 - at ROWVA JHGBK
    3 - OPEN
    4-5-6 - OPEN WEEKEND
    7 - JHGBK at Orion 5:30
    8 - at MercoJHGBK with Shawn
    9 - at ROWVA JHGBK
    10 - at ROWVA JHBBK
    11-12-13 - OPEN WEEKEND -- HS basketball begins next week

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