11:12 a.m. - Amber and I spent the night at Bally's. There was a promotion for a hotel room for $30 - mostly because I lose enough money there that they can afford to throw a bone my way every once in awhile. We went after my game at Mercer County. Honestly, I really enjoyed it. I ended up spending about $250 total, but we played the slots, had a real nice hotel room, spend some time in the hot tub, and had supper last night and breakfast this morning. I'd do that again anytime. We had to cut our morning short, so we could pick up the Southwell children, but that's okay. Now I'm going to work on getting the camper hooked up and head out to Loud Thunder for the weekend.
I heard from Chase in an email from jail today. He is such a dumb ass. I hope I live long enough to see the day when he grows up.
Things to do
- Check out new assigned games from Foremost
- Put 10/27 game on gmail calendar
- install pool heater parts when they arrive
- Iowa volleyball rules meeting and test
- Attempt to complete IHSA volleyball officiating promotion
- pass Part 1 exam - Try again after August 16
- pass Part 2 exam
- monitor water damage area in camper....possible restoration companies
- and have brakes inspected and bearings repacked
- J&J Camper - (309) 792-2795
- 1501 IL-5, East Moline, IL 61244
- sent pics to service@jjcamper.com (Jason) (7/25/22)
- received response today 7/26 - $8,000-$10,000 estimate
- Quad Cities Camper Services - (309) 797-4390
- 5443 3rd Ave, Moline, IL 61265
- left a voicemail (7/25/22) - still haven't received a response (7/27/22)
15-16 - back-to-school institute
17 - RHS students return
18 - SB at RidgewoodJH - 4:30 p.m.
19-20-21 - OPEN WEEKEND - Joe's volleyball clinic - 9 a.m. at Galesburg High School (would have to stay close - Braeden and Shawn may be going)
22 - Rockridge HS open house; VB at Morrison with Braeden - removed
23 - VB at UTHS with Braeden - 5 p.m.
24 - SB at RidgewoodJH - 4:30
25 - VB at Cambridge with Braeden 5 p.m.
26-27-28 - OPEN WEEKEND - Rosalea's birthday party (would have to stay close)
Aug. 28 - USSSA clinic 10 a.m.
29 - SB at MerCoJH - 4:30
30 - VB at Riverdale with Braeden - 5 p.m.?
31 - OPEN
1 - at Geneseo FRVB - 5 p.m. with Pete
2-3-4-5 - open Labor Day Weekend- Camping somewhere?
6 - VBJV at Wilton 4:30 p.m. with ?
7 - OPEN
8 - VB at Riverdale - 5 p.m. with Braeden
9-10-11 - camping Would have to be close
220th Street, Donnellson, IA 52625 - avoid sites 4 & 5 - too small
12 - VB at Bettendorf - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers
13 - VB at Muscatine JH - 4 p.m. by myself?
14 - VB at MonRose 5 p.m. with Braeden
15 - VB at Kewanee with Braeden 5 p.m.
16-17-18 - open weekend
19 - VB at Wethersfield with Braeden 5 p.m.
20 - VB at Erie with Braeden 5 p.m.
21 - JHGBK at Orion - 5:30
22 - JHGBK at Knoxville 5:30 p.m.
23-24-25 - Amber watching Southwells…have to stay close
26 - Carmen's Birthday - JHGBK at MerCo with Marcus - ? 5:30
27 - VB at MerCo HS - 5 p.m. with Ray Sykes
28 - VB at Washington JH - 4 p.m. with Bill Weimers
29 - JHGB at Galesburg - 5 p.m.
30, 10/1, 10/2 - OPEN WEEKEND
3 - VB at Cambridge with Braeden 5 p.m.
4 - VB at Kewanee with Braeden 5 p.m.
5 - JHGBK at Merco with Shawn 5:30?
7-8-9-10 - CAMPING AT Wilson Lake Campground
reservation made - campsite 8
11 - VB at North Scott FR - 6 p.m. with Bill Weimers
12 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
13 - FRVB at Geneseo - 5 p.m. with Greg Byrd
14-15-16 - OPEN WEEKEND
17 - VB at Sherrard with Braeden - 5 p.m.
18 - VB at Erie with Braeden - 5 p.m.
19 - OPEN
20 - OPEN
21-22-23 - OPEN WEEKEND
24 - OPEN - Volleyball Regionals Begin...my volleyball season is over
25 - OPEN
26 - OPEN
27 - at Galesburg JH girls basketball
28-29-30 - OPEN -- Final Weekend of Camping -- Loud Thunder
31 - OPEN
1 - OPEN
3 - OPEN
7 - JHGBK at Orion 5:30
8 - at MercoJHGBK with Shawn
11-12-13 - OPEN WEEKEND -- HS basketball begins next week
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