9:08 p.m. - My days of teaching in this pandemic hybrid/remote situation is exhausting. It's a dang good thing that the students are on a shortened schedule, but now I'm hearing we may go back to full days with all students starting the second nine weeks. But if students want to be remote, they still have that option. Oh my goodness...things are bad enough as it is, but then what happens? Now students are not fully engaging enough when they are in the classroom. Even when they are in the classroom, most of them don't even appear awake, as I'm sure they are not on a regular schedule for the week. I said all along that returning to school in this hybrid/remote philosophy was really going to be difficult on students, and parents that thought there students needed at least some structure? I wonder what they are thinking now. This whole thing is such a mess.
Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future
- Tuesday, Sept. 15 JHSB at Cambridge 4:30 p.m.
- Paint the shed.
- Continue working on restoring the channel of the ditch.
- Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor. - AFTER POOL CLOSING
- by second week of September - Ms. Mitola takes over advanced sections
- by end of September - Ms. Mitola has all sections
- by second week of December, I take over all sections and Ms. Mitola wraps up
Things to do for school
- update Mitola Kapraun logs
- update Association records and work on membership stuff
- figure out how students can demonstrate completion of a "virtual" post secondary exploration activity
- check and see if remote students have sent read aloud video
- check to see if I can access blog accounts
- enter extra credit homework for sharing blogs
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (9/15)
- Stats
- February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois.
- March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
- As of May 29 (3 months), there were 120,260 positive cases and 5,390 deaths.
- As of June 29 (4 months), there were 142, 461 positive cases and 6,902 deaths.
- As of July 31 (5 months), there were 178,837 positive cases and 7,495 deaths.
- As of August 29 (6 months), there were 231,363 positive cases and 8,008 deaths.
- hospitalizations - 328
- hospitalizations - 335
- hospitalizations - 373
- YESTERDAY - 2,632 positive cases; 68 deaths
- TODAY - 2,637 positive cases; 69 deaths
Prayer for My Heart
Holy Spirit...
Help me have...
a pure heart, that I may see;a humble heart, that I may hear;
a heart of love, that I may serve;
a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit.
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