
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Mask or no mask maybe episode 5 9-15

I wonder if we actually do have some folks that can type very quickly....or maybe we have some folks that are very slow.  Just do your best.  I have written on this topic of mask or no masks now a lot.  And I've heard some good opinions both in favor of an not so much in favor of.  A student 4th period questioned the reliability of data, which is a great point to bring up.  Do you believe the numbers of this whole Covid thing including the masks stuff.  When you hear media reports or other reports about illness, deaths, etc... who do you believe or not believe?  The student suggested that media exaggerates numbers; the student also said that medical facilities seem to have an encouragement to declare illiness and deaths as Covid related because of financial incentives.  I'm not sure if that's accurate or not, but it would be interesting to research and discover who may benefit from numbers being inflated or deflated.  But I'm wandering now again from the mask issue.

I mentioned first hour that I don't like masks because I haven't figured out a solution to my glasses fogging up.  I can also tell you that wearing a mask trying to umpire softball or officiate basketball has also been challenging.  And I fully recognize that masks are the be all end all solution at dealing with Covid.  That comes to mind one student's entry this morning talking about the vaccine.  If you are confused on this whole mask thing, are you comfortable with a vaccine?  Will you sign up to get a vaccine if one is approved, or will you try to be informed about the vaccine and decide to wait to see what the first season of the vaccine creates as far as potential side effects.  So maybe we'll have to have a vaccine or no vaccine topic someday.  Time is about up, so I'm going to call for a wrap-up.

Ballah Bognar, Claire Henniges, Sarah Rogers

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