
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

9-15 All Rallies Should Have Masks

I am troubled by President Trump not requiring his attendees at his rallies to wear masks.  I get that he wouldn't want to wear a mask as he's stumping for his campaign at an outdoor rally, but I do think by not requiring masks, he is putting his supporters at risks.  And I do understand that the Trump campaign likely is telling attendees at the rally that they are recommending masks, but recommending masks is different than requiring masks.  In the end do all Trump supporters not believe in masks?  Do Trump supporters think they are physically somehow less likely to contract the virus?  And there is the argument that sometimes I hear when people say they are willing to allow the risk of not wearing a mask because they might also get in a car wreck, but they choose to drive a car.  Isn't the thing about masks about more than just protecting ourselves?  True, we hear at school wear masks to hopefully protect ourselves, but more importantly because this dang virus can be asymptomatic, aren't I asking Leighanna Fues to wear a mask to help me perhaps be safer around my parents.  What if Leighanna did not have a temperature today, but she was still unknowingly Covid positive and unintentionally came to school with the virus, and I was sitting next to her, or she was having blogger problems, and I genuinely got close to her to help her.  Even with a mask on both of us, she could unintentionally pass the virus on to me, and I could pass it on to my grandchildren tomorrow night when they come to my house.  And then those grandchildren could pass it on to their great grandparents a few days later, and it all started just because someone was innocently asymptomatic.  So I'm for masks even at open air rallies. 

Wyatt Harby, Tyler Hendley, Aiden Heymann, Leighanna Fues,

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