
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday, September 24

6:42 a.m. - I should have mowed the lawn after school yesterday; now I'm not sure when I'm going to accomplish that.  Instead I watched the coverage over the death of Breanna Taylor in Louusville.  I checked out all the media coverage - CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC - because I wanted to try to get all sides of the discussion.  In the end, my judgment is that even though she was in her own home, she ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Police were serving a warrant; they were doing their job.  Ms. Taylor's friend in the apartment was being served a warrant, and he legally possessed a firearm.  Whether he was shooting at what he suspected were intruders or what he new were police officers perhaps won't ever be discovered, but he claims police didn't identify themselves.  Ms. Taylor's friend fired his weapon, and then all hell broke loose, and Ms. Taylor died in the mess, and she was unarmed in her own apartment.  I don't know her background other than apparently she was an EMT.  I don't know the specifics that go into obtaining search warrants, but on the surface it seems odd that the police were executing a search warrant on someone in a home that was someone else's home, unless the search warrant somehow included Ms. Taylor.  I don't think this case is the same as other officer involved situations resulting in the death of a black citizen, and I think its wrong to lump all the cases that have recently occurred into the same basket.  I definitely think its wrong to destroy property as a results of anger and frustration over a judgment that someone disagrees with.

Things to do for Mrs. Mitola/Ms. Kapraun

Things to do for school
- get Association new enrollment forms collected and sent with updated roster
- check intro to textbook assignments and enter scores start Wed, 9/23 after school day 
    - 1st is scored in classroom, still need to enter - nothing done with 3,4 yet
- check for Tuesday's blog entries (forms) start Thurs, 9/24
- check for Wednesday's FRW (forms) start Fri. 9/25
- check students' emails to me

Things I Could Do or Need to Do In the Future

  • IESA game at Cambridge today 4:30 p.m.
  • 3 games at USSSA Muscatine tomorrow 5 p.m.
  • lunch with Carmen and Mitola's Saturday
  • 5 games at USSSA Muscatine beginning at 10:40 a.m.
  • Work with Becca's paper.
  • Work with Pool's paper.
  • Paint the shed.
  • Continue working on restoring the channel of the ditch.
  • Replace seals and gaskets in the pool motor. - AFTER POOL CLOSING
Things that I NOW think about with the coronavirus. (9/24)
  • Stats
    • February 29 was the first reported positive case in Illinois. 
    • March 20, there were 585 reported positive cases.
    • As of May 29 (3 months), there were 120,260 positive cases and 5,390 deaths.
    • As of June 29 (4 months), there were 142, 461 positive cases and 6,902 deaths.
    • As of July 31 (5 months), there were 178,837 positive cases and 7,495 deaths.
    • As of August 29 (6 months), there were 231,363 positive cases and 8,008 deaths.
    • hospitalizations - 367
    • hospitalizations - 351
    • hospitalizations - ___
    • YESTERDAY - 2,869 positive cases; 74 deaths
      • TODAY - ____ positive cases; __ deaths
Prayer for My Heart
Holy Spirit...
Help me have... 
    a pure heart, that I may see;
    a humble heart, that I may hear;
    a heart of love, that I may serve;
    a heart of faith, that I may abide in the spirit. 

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